12 Jan
12 Jan
5:15 p.m.
Op wo 12 jan. 2022 16:58 schreef Severus via arch-general < arch-general@lists.archlinux.org>:
Hi folks,
I use wayland on plasma and it's extremely laggy. I googled and see this patch https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qtwayland/+/373473.
I rebuild qt5-wayland and it worked very well. But the patch leads to race condition.
I wonder that maintainer of qt5-wayland should include to PKGBUILD or not.
I'm not a maintainer myself, but this sounds like that patch needs some more work before including.... Slow applications are annoying, but crashing is -usually- even worse IMHO. Mvg, Guus Snijders