On Tue, 12 Jan 2021 09:03:16 +0100, Bennett Piater wrote:
Firefox hangs might not be related to the kernel.
They are, no hangs when using 4.19.132_rt59-0 + the "intel" driver, hangs when using 5.10.6.arch1-1 + the "modesetting" driver. The reason to test the "modesetting" driver where way longer hangs caused usually by launching Firefox, as well as complete virtualbox freezes, when using earlier 5.x kernels + the "intel" driver. Btw. not only Firefox hangs, the whole session becomes unresponsive for a few seconds, resp. when using the "intel" driver with earlier 5.x kernels for IIRC several minutes, at least for way longer than just a few seconds.
https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Profile-sync-daemon and run the browser from tmpfs. The other reason to do this is that the browser feels much faster as well :)
Thank you, I'll take a look at this.