not renaming the package and modifying pkgrel can indeed lead me to confusion, but it's just personal compilation. ok : good practices you encourage ;-) version 6.1.20 has just been downloaded and will be soon in place but my question remains : how to target 6.1.15 when evolving under 6.x.y (or 6.1.z) ? virtual machine (this is what I use to get around the problem but it seems pretty heavy) ? "cross" compilation ? make parameters ? environment variables ? thank you for these precisions which unfortunately do not enlighten me much :-( regards, lacsaP. Le lun. 20 mars 2023 à 11:02, Genes Lists <> a écrit :
On 3/20/23 05:27, lacsaP Patatetom wrote:
- When you change the source you must also bump pkgrel as the package is now different.
- If you want to build your own version of an Arch package, you should not use same package name as the official Arch package - this will only lead to bad things. Change the package name to something else.
- current kernel LTS is 6.1.20 so probably you should throw away 6.1.15 and use that anyway.