On 08/15/14 at 12:27pm, Chrisitan Burkard wrote:
I am asking because I am using i3status to show my battery loading state and it shows me 58% which would be (CHARGE_NOW / CHARGE_FULL_DESIGN). If I understand correctly this doesn't make any sense if I am not able to reach the CHARGE_FULL_DESIGN capacity anyways, today.
So if anyone with a bit more knowledge about this mechanic could confirm my guess I would contact upstream what they think about it. (In my opinion they should read CHARGE_FULL to determine the current battery %)
See the i3status man page about this. It can be used either way, but the default is to use the stated capacity of the battery's design.
Another issue I have is that the POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS shows 'Unknown' on AC but 'Discharging' on Battery. Do you have any idea why? My guess is that i3 uses this property to show the battery/AC state in i3status and because of the 'Unkown' value I don't get updates on the state there.
No idea about why it would be telling you 'Unknown' sorry. -- Curtis Shimamoto