2012/7/20 Christian Hesse <list@eworm.de>:
Don deJuan <donjuansjiz@gmail.com> on Thu, 2012/07/19 09:53:
On 07/19/2012 09:52 AM, Christian Hesse wrote:
Thorsten Jolitz <tjolitz@googlemail.com> on Thu, 2012/07/19 18:44:
[...] So this would render my git-clone of the AUR repo superfluous, [...]
Oh, wait! Is AUR accessible via git? That would be really great!
From the wiki: Git Repo
A Git Repo of the AUR is maintained by Thomas Dziedzic providing package history among other things. It is updated at least once a day. To clone the repository (several hundred MB):
$ git clone git://pkgbuild.com/aur-mirror.git
Though I would prefer a rsync interface. I do not need package history and would like to save the disk space...
There is also aur3[1]. It offers metadata (things you see on the package pages of AUR website) in additional to PKGBUILDs. It doesn't provide rsync access, but I found 18MB (PKGBUILD + metadata, it's compressed) is acceptable. aur3 also has a really neat JSON API, offering full regex searching. 1. http://aur3.org/ -- Regards, Cheer Xiao