-----Original Message-----
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2009 16:23:28 +0100 Subject: [arch-general] Error with makepkg installing dependency From: Baho Utot <baho-utot@columbus.rr.com> To: General Discusson about Arch Linux <arch-general@archlinux.org>
When compiling packages using makeworld or my custom script I am getting a number of failures like this:
/usr/info/dir exists in both 'glib' and 'gtk'
What causes this?
Is there a way to fix this without forcing this packages?
or better still is there a fix?
Hello, no package should provide that file. As a workaround ,simply remove it in the PKGBUILD. Proper info file handling is demonstrated in the file proto-info.install uder /usr/share/pacman. Also, info files should be installed under /usr/share/info, not /usr/info. Regards Stefan