On 17 July 2018 at 15:48, David C. Rankin <drankinatty@suddenlinkmail.com> wrote:
It's like there is something between:
09:20:24 phoinix systemd[1]: Started Session c18 of user david. and 09:20:28 phoinix sshd[2654]: Received disconnect from port 59956:11: disconnected by user
that isn't data transfer and isn't rsyc checking if files need updating.
Also interestingly, the 5 boxes on my lan that are in the backup list do not show this type of delay. For example same connection and same box, but on lang and not internet.
Personally, I'd be leaning *heavily* into checking that the rsync & data transfer time really hasn't increased. I think it's extremely unlikely that any kind of deliberate delay has been added. It wouldn't be a particularly smart solution to the DDOS problem. Have you run the backup script manually on the remote machine, to check that it still completes in under a second? You could also do some tests such as "ssh remotehost echo hello" to test connection + shell spawn time. Paul