David C. Rankin schrieb:
Which setting in Arch prevents forwarding apps when you ssh -X in an Arch box, su and then try to start a kde app, etc.? X forwarding works just fine as a user, but when trying it su'ed to root, I get the following error:
[23:29 archangel:/etc] # kwrite X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication. kwrite: cannot connect to X server localhost:10.0
kdm config? X config? Any pointers/links would be appreciated.
The suggestions made so far are either dangerous (xhost) or complicated (xauth, sux, kdesu, ...). You can have pam handle your authentication cookies if you add the following line to /etc/pam.d/su: session optional pam_xauth.so Now, run "su" or "su -" to get root, and it will have access to X.