I normally wouldn't respond to trolls on this list and really I'd rather have seen this post be moderated straight to where it belongs -- /dev/null. However.... On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 2:31 PM, Jérôme Bartand <moijerob@gmail.com> wrote:
I want to bring to your attention that Gentoo is working on a udev fork called eudev that will
- respect the Unix philosophy
Sorry, perhaps you could explain how current udev (udev, not systemd) defies this, and why it's relevant for a small set of binaries and library which only serve to handle uevents from the kernel. Please keep in mind when writing your response that udev is still entirely useable without systemd. No, Lennart's infamous post exclaiming how "standalone udev has no future" is not an indication that it's going to break any time soon.
- be POSIX-compliant and get rid of glibcisms
Why does this matter? Do you have any concept of what POSIX defines and doesn't define? udev is a piece of software which is intimately involved with the Linux kernel, and necessarily must be, to accomplish its goals. Furthermore, the "glibcisms" used by udev has nearly wholly been adopted by the other popular libcs -- eglibc, uclibc, and musl.
- have no unnecessary dependencies (systemd, kmod)
You seem to have this backwards. systemd relies on udev, not vice versa. kmod is a real thing which solves a real problem. Going back to module-init-tools causes unsolvable regressions which were addressed by the implementation of a library which userspace has been lacking for years, and which was developed after much talk at the Linux Plumbers conference a year ago. Jon Masters and Rusty Russel both strongly support the implementation of libkmod, as do other people who are well known in low level userspace and kernel space as well. Feel free to point out why this is a bad idea.
- support separate /usr
Please explain why udev makes this a non-reality. A properly working separate /usr without an initramfs is a unicorn. It's been broken long before udev did whatever you think it did to break it. It's hopelessly pointless to do, and if you're still bent on it, the modern initramfs implementations support mounting a separate /usr from early userspace, and cleanly unmounting it on shutdown. Do you have any concept of what the problems associated with this are? You can't possibly, or else you wouldn't be parroting this tripe.
Maybe you should have pointed out this thread: http://gentoo.2317880.n4.nabble.com/udev-ng-Was-Summary-Council-meeting-Tues... Which really only points out how flawed their non-existant plan is, and how much resistance they're getting to the idea. I can only assume you haven't actually read it.
with the goal to make it default for Gentoo in the future, along with OpenRC. I know from past discussions on this mailing list that not everybody in the Arch community is happy with systemd. They are looking for contributors and this is an opportunity for cross-community collaboration.
Feel free to join them. Your sinking ship awaits you.