On 18/04/14 05:40 PM, Carl Schaefer wrote:
I've just started playing with lxc, and found that if I create a container with:
# lxc-create -n arch -t archlinux
and then start it:
# lxc-start -n arch
it resets my X keyboard map and mouse acceleration settings (which are set by setxkbmap/xset/xinput), though mouse button remapping done by xmodmap is not affected.
I tracked it as far as the execution of:
/usr/bin/udevadm trigger --type=devices --action=add
in /usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-udev-trigger.service, which seems to write "add" to most of the "uevent" files under /sys/devices. I don't know the reason for this, especially in a container, but disabling the whole udev trigger service in the container keeps the host X input settings intact without breaking anything obvious in the container (and the container boots a lot faster now, too).
I'd appreciate any thoughts on what systemd-udev-trigger is doing, whether it's appropriate in a container, and if there's a better way to keep a container from changing X input settings on the host. Carl
Do you have these issues with systemd-nspawn? mkdir container && pacstrap -cd base container systemd-nspawn -bD container Containers are not yet completely solid. One of the most notable flaws is the complete lack of namespacing for the cgroup filesystem. These kind of things are worked around by systemd via various hacks, so perhaps lxc is missing something.