Em novembro 18, 2021 4:36 Olivier Langlois via arch-general escreveu:
You are going to be a pro soon. I feel the pain. I once wanted to build recent gcc/glibc libs for a CentOS7 box and those packages PKGBUILD files were my guidelines to succeed in doing it.
Pierre, the previous maintainer, left notes about bootstrapping 3 packages (gcc -> binutils -> glibc) then, according to the notes, you need perform a second pass...
I'm not even sure if all this is neccessary or not... but the whole thing is very tedious.. This is why despite getting my hands on the latest versions of those packages is burning me, I refrain from building them myselves and I just wait the official release...
On the bright side, once you have done it, this becomes a mecanical process and a second nature...
Hopefully, once you get the process smooth, you are going to stay the maintainer for a long time!
We have documentation on [0]. The process is lenghty, because it takes a good amount of time to build. I do builds mostly on my own machine. If some patch fails, or tests fail, you have to start over the build in most cases (in some situations you can continue from second pass only). I'm also trying to improve the scripts I use to make the process smoother for future upgrades, too. [0] https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/DeveloperWiki:Toolchain_maintenance