"David C. Rankin" <drankinatty@suddenlinkmail.com>:
The only thing I didn't find was an Alt+F2 run command equivalent (I'm sure it's there, I just haven't found it) You have to manage this by your own. Paste something like this into you ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml and be shure to have gmrun installed.
<keybind key="A-F2"> <action name="Execute"> <execute>gmrun</execute> </action> </keybind> In fact, I'm more the shortcutuser. Nearly _every_ keycombo is set with a shortcut to switch desktops, to start apps, contoll my musik. FYI I uploaded my [rc.xml to my server][1]. For wallpapering I wrote a small rubyscript, which parses my wallpaper directory and greats an output (xml) that's used from openbox as "dynamic menu". Pretty cool - as you can achieve anything you want.
Both are great lightweight window managers that will get the job done and, if you are on older hardware, they will definitely blow the doors off KDE/Gnome from a performance perspective. Pretty cool. Not only on older hardware. :-) I love theire pure minimalistic approach. I don't need any taskbar - I know my running apps. Openbox <3
[1]: http://jodl.bitterblume.com/rc.xml -- Gruß, Johannes Täglich http://blog.hehejo.de und du fühlst dich gut. Mast und Schotbruch mit dem http://segelsport-blog.de.