2009/10/6 Lars Tennstedt <oss@larstennstedt.de>: Hi Lars,
On one desktop the task bar shows this.
1st row |firefox| 2nd row |firefox|
Then I switched to another desktop and then back again. The taskbar shows this now.
1st row | ||firefox| 2nd row |firefox|
On the first position of the the first row there appears an empty field. A few seconds later plasma crashes.
I'd suggest to report this bug at http://bugs.kde.org . Please double check if it hasn't been reported before. I did a quick lookup over there but couldn't find something which looks like your problem. But, keep in mind that a crash report is useless without a backtrace, so I'd recommend to rebuild your packages with debug symbols if you do so. Kind regards, -- Bram Schoenmakers What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind. (Punch, 1855)