Hi :) regarding to the rt issues I followed the explanations at http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=12132 . I still get an issues with http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=32908 . It's not only the described problem. If I boot 3.1.7-1-Arch I get "nvidia: version magic '3.0-rt' should be '3.1.7-1-ARCH'" and if I boot 3.0-rt I get "WARNING: GDMDisplay[snip]", both times X doesn't start. FWIW I build a regular AUR kernel-rt. Is there a way to fix this [1]? Ciao! Ralf [1] [spinymouse@archlinux nvidia-all]$ makepkg -s ==> Making package: nvidia-all 290.10-1 (Fri Jan 6 08:32:51 CET 2012) ==> Found 2 kernels ==> Working on the kernel: 3.0-rt -> Building module... ==> Working on the kernel: 3.1.7-1-ARCH -> Building module... [root@archlinux nvidia-all]# pacman -U nvidia-all-290.10-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz nvidia-utils-290.10-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz Proceed with installation? [Y/n] (2/2) checking package integrity (2/2) checking for file conflicts (1/1) removing nvidia (1/2) upgrading nvidia-utils (2/2) installing nvidia-all error: command failed to execute correctly [root@archlinux nvidia-all]# ls /lib/modules 3.0-rt 3.1.7-1-ARCH extramodules- extramodules-3.1-ARCH [root@archlinux nvidia-all]# mv /lib/modules/extramodules- /lib/modules/extramodules-3.0-rt