Let us all remember that Arch Linux is not a for-profit company out to make a dollar on the backs of free software developers. It is likely that anyone making a license claim against Arch Linux would simply ask us to remove the offending package and leave it at that. The real risk is quite minimal and most companies I've worked for would do this without much fear until someone challenged the legality in a more official capacity. Even then, such a challenge requires money and years of time. So, I would say that putting cdrtools back in extra would be less risky than running Windows or using a credit card at a restaurant (which is how many numbers are stolen). We always have AUR or maybe the archlinux.fr guys would be willing to host it. On Jan 27, 2010 8:15 AM, "Emmanuel Benisty" <benisty.e@gmail.com> wrote: On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 4:58 PM, Thomas Bächler <thomas@archlinux.org> wrote: > It seems that most o... If this is true, can't Joerg just issue an official statement that he will not sue Arch and we can close this case. or can any other party sue you when violating the GPL ?