So I just installed clamav but when I'm trying to start it with:
'sudo systemctl start clamd.service'
I get: Job for clamd.service failed. See "systemctl status clamd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
'systemctl status clamd.service' clamd.service - clamav daemon Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/clamd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since p 2015-01-30 21:14:04 CET; 10s ago Process: 9693 ExecStart=/usr/bin/clamd (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
It tells you to look in the logs. Did you do that?! Without wanting to be condescending: I don't think you should be using archlinux if you are not capable of looking through logs and searching google (I found the package for your "error" through a fast google search....)
Honestly, the idea of looking through logs was very foreign to me when I started using linux. And Arch Linux was my first linux distro I actually got to know. I think Arch is an excellent place to learn these skills. Okay, so in regards to ClamAV, I encountered no errors [1] starting clamd with the service file in the clamav package [2]. [1] [2] You should check your service file at "/usr/lib/systemd/system/clamd.service" and make sure it matches the one I uploaded to pastebin. If you can link a paste of your log at "/var/log/clamav/clamd.log", that would help. Your journalctl log can be captured using: journalctl -xe | tail -n 500 | tee journal.log ^^^ ^^^ Takes last 500 lines. Saves and prints output. Make sure to check these 500 lines that get printed to your terminal for anything sensitive, like passwords. NetworkManager doesn't show passwords in the log, but it does show network SSIDs and connection protocols, and other bits of information. There's probably more in there than you would guess (there is in mine). I had some kernel panic problems I couldn't diagnose with a much-used MSI P67 motherboard. I'm pretty sure it was a motherboard issue, since I'm using the same power supply, most of the same RAM, and the same storage (different motherboard and CPU) and I haven't encountered any more. If you decide to do a fresh install and you still get kernel panics, I'd guess it's hardware related. Like a broken SATA port or a loose connection. -- vixsomnis