27 Jun
27 Jun
6:54 p.m.
2016-06-27 18:35 GMT+02:00 David Rosenstrauch <darose@darose.net>:
Thanks for the suggestion. But that app seems just as messed up as all the others (see http://darose.net/Screenshot_2016-06-27_12-32-30.png): the app shows what my selected color scheme is, but doesn't use it in its own window. And there doesn't seem to be any setting in qt5ct that allows me to correct this. Is there some feature I'm not seeing?
when i had the issue (on lxqt) dolphin (for example) display the right color palette (breeze dark), but all applications opened through dolphin (gwenview, kate, etc) use wrong palette (breeze white scheme). i can fix my problem with qt5ct. what style you use? greetings