On 22-10-2012 03:51, John Hutchison wrote:
On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 02:11:23AM +0100, nailz wrote:
but should the LVM partition be marked as ext4 in fstab?
According to few sources (gentoo wiki, linuxconfig.org) on how fstab should be: they have the LVM volumes labeled as ext4 (or whatever the actual fs is) but the mountpoint is not /dev/sdx#, rather it uses the lvm dev mapping, or however you call it:
from http://linuxconfig.org/Linux_lvm_-_Logical_Volume_Manager:
/dev/mynew_vg/vol01 /home/foobar/ ext3 yadda yadda
from http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/LVM#.2Fetc.2Ffstab:
/dev/vg0/lvol1 /mnt/data ext4 noatime 0 2
Or better yet, use UUID, I've been using UUIDs for a long time and they never failed me, while every once in a while I see people with problem when using /dev/sd*, I don't recall seeing people with problems when using lvm though, maybe those know what they are doing a lot better :p
So whatever Andrea called their virtual group is what it must be set to. If you go to the Archwiki, it uses 'VolGroup00' as the volume group.
Use vgdisplay to figure out the volume group name.
Note: I do not use LVM myself, so please keep that in mind. This is just from my cursory research
-- John Hutchison Programmieren und Informatik-Abteilung Feiern Sie 20 Jahre Linux! gplus.to/athetius
-- Mauro Santos