Further to my previous email a while back I've started work on some proposals that I'd like to pitch to the Arch community and the powers that be. They aren't finished yet but should be soon. The thing is I'm not really aware of the 'chain of command' in Arch. Aaron Griffin, are you the 'benevolent dictator' and do you have the final say? The reason I'm asking is I want to know to whom I address my proposals when they are finished. For example I'll probably be proposing some admin changes, nothing too sweeping but just some things that could be done to implement better security in Arch. For the mean time I've created the IRC channel #archlinux-security on Freenode. Anyone is free to hang out there to discuss security in Arch and how we (emphasis on the we, i.e. the community) can make things better. My IRC nick is psychedelicious, I was previously using a different nick based on a Funkadelic album released in 1971. I won't be on there 24x7 but will be online as much as possible. I'd particularly like to see people on that channel interesting in volunteering to create a Security Response Team for our distro! Also I'm aware I've posted under several different email addresses. After toying with several free providers I decided to stop being a cheapskate and get my own domain so this is my canonical email address now. regards, Ananda Samaddar