On Sun, 22 Sept 2024 at 16:15, Georg <g.schlisio@dukun.de> wrote:
I'm looking for a synced password manager solution that connects my Arch
PC with my android phone, and a Windows PC. I'd like to use my arch
server as the nexus, and want to avoid commercial services by all means.
One option I heard is using one or more keepass databases and keeping
them in sync via syncthing.
Another option seems to be bitwarden.

Are there more good options? What do people use, that works well and
painfree? What other options for automatic syncing of the keepass
database would there be?

I self-host NextCloud for syncing. It has good clients for Linux, Windows, and Android. For passwords I use KeePassX for Linux and Keepass2Android. I'm sure there is a Windows version too. The db format is generally well supported. The main database file is available from any of my devices (or via the NextCloud web interface), but I keep a separate keyfile that I copy manually to devices that I was to access the password db from. This setup has worked really well for me for years.

All of these components are open-source. The only thing I pay for is S3-compatible online storage, which I use for automatic encrypted backup using restic.

All the best!