On Sun, May 01, 2011 at 04:01:01PM +0200, Pierre Schmitz wrote:
On Sun, 1 May 2011 03:33:37 -0400, Jim Pryor wrote:
... As I said, my source tree contains a large refactoring push. I have deferred this, and back-ported some important bugfixes, and a few simple features or packaging changes, to a v4.5 release. I'll push this to <http://www.jimpryor.net/linux/dcron.html> shortly; and I hope it can be packaged and pushed to [testing]. I'd welcome any testing and feedback any of you might be able to do.
I will push those changes, as well as all the other deferred parts of my source tree, to dcron's git repo at <http://repo.or.cz/w/dcron.git>. And I'll update the dcron-git package on AUR, at <http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=33377>. If any of you were interested and able to test this, I'd very much welcome such feedback too.
These will all be pushed in the next couple of hours.
Could you also tag the releases in git (maybe you just forgot to push them using git push --tags)
Hi Pierre, yes I can, and indeed I didn't know what I needed to do to push the tags. However, I guess I'm going to have to make the history ugly. Here is how it currently looks: initial --- tagged as v4.0 --- ... --- tagged as v4.4 --- lots of commits \ in master \ ---- v4.5 branch I don't know yet how to push a new local branch to remote, though I know I'll be able to figure it out. But also, it's awkward having most of the releases as tags and v4.5 on a separate branch. And it seems like the only way to get everything back on a single branch would be to do something like described here <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1526670/git-better-way-for-git-revert-without-additional-reverted-commit>. In essence, I'll have to change the history to look like this: --- up to tag v4.4 --- up to present --- revert back --- tagged as ---+ as before master to 4.4 v4.5 | | rebase the present master on top of v4.5 If anyone has better suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them. -- Jim Pryor jim@jimpryor.net