On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 8:54 PM, Myra Nelson <myra.nelson@hughes.net> wrote:
Manta: "Mantas".
When using s2ram -f, suspend works. When including the uresume hook in the initramfs.img, it works but a reboot, for whatever reason, hangs waiting for libcrypt, and won't boot. Thus my question. After rebuilding my initramfs image without the uresume hook s2ram -f works but obviously systemctl suspend puts the machine into suspension, but it won't wake up. Here is where my initial confusion came in.
You still haven't explained why do you think you need the "uresume" hook. `systemctl suspend` DOES NOT use it. The hook is only needed for hibernation via `s2disk`.
Why does the reboot with the uresume hook built into the img look for libcrypt and try to decrypt unencrypted volumes?
- The uresume hook shouldn't be looking for for libgcrypt, since it is already part of the hook. If it prints out the libgcrypt version, it doesn't mean "looking for". - The uresume hook needs libgcrypt not because of volumes, but because s2disk can be configured to encrypt the hibernation image. -- Mantas Mikulėnas