Hi, Am 21.01.2013 07:47, schrieb phani:
i've got a strange problem: when zooming images in the GIMP (installed from [extra])
at least for me gimp from [extra] works just fine, although I'm running it on a Nvidia based system using nouveau.
i've installed (stable) GIMP in (stable) openSUSE i'm keeping in a VirtualBox, and the problem doesn't happen there.
Although this is not proofing and/or showing anything at all as in case of VirtualBox the interaction of the various components involved is completely different. Especially from GIMP's point of view it is the driver provided by VirtualBox that is being used, not the underlying one from the host. I would be surprised if this has anything to do with Arch at all, because there is basically no patching going on in the appropriate PKGBUILD (see [1]).
i didn't find anything useful via google or the GIMP dev/users lists and am quite puzzled. wondering if one of you guys has an idea where to look?
Unless this is something specific to Arch, I'm pretty much in doubt that anyone can sort this out for you here. The graphics stack is quite complex, so there are a lot of places were things could go wrong. You are probably best off by resolving these kind of issues upstream (see [2]), where people know what to look for. Best regards, Karol Babioch [1]: https://projects.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/tree/trunk/PKGBUILD?h=p... [2]: http://developer.gimp.org/bugs.html