I had that once. Only works after a manual reboot. On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 9:35 PM, Leonid Grinberg <lgrinberg@gmail.com> wrote:
Every once in a while -- not too frequently to be unusable, but certainly enough to be annoying -- the keyboard in KDE will simply lock up. Mouse will still work fine, and keyboard inputs that don't go through KDE -- switching to virtual terminals, resetting X via <ctrl>-<alt>-backspace still work (and, indeed, resetting X and logging back in is the only thing that fixes it). I can't see any real pattern as to when this happens -- programs that I basically always have running, though, are Pidgin, Firefox and keytouchd, as well as, obviously, plasma, etc. I am running the vanilla KDE 4.2 packages.
Thanks in advance. This is really starting to become annoying.
-- Leonid Grinberg
-- Kessia Pinheiro Computer Science Student - Brazil, UFBa Linux System Administrator Arch Linux Trusted User Linux User #389695 http://even.archlinux-br.org --- X Fórum Internacional Software Livre - fisl10 24 a 27 de junho de 2009 PUCRS - Porto Alegre - Brasil