Thank You for Your answer. Could You recommend me some other dlna client then? Kind regards Peter Am 04.12.2016 um 15:55 schrieb SET:
So, I do have some questions: - Why are my mp4 files recognized as audio files? - Is minidlna expected t oshow a list of files in its DB somewhere? - How can I detect minidlna working correctly?
Kind regards Peter
I didn't have any success with the stock minidlna.service file, which I disabled.
I'm using this one :
************************************************************* [Unit] Description=PostBoot Minidlna
[Service] Type=forking ExecStart=/usr/bin/minidlnad -R User=minidlna
[Install] *************************************************************
According to comments I read somewhere, it's not considered safe ! Please note you'll have to create an unprivileged user that owns all files.
As for VLC, UPnP browsing is just broken in 2.x. It seems this module is completely re-written in 3.x, not yet out.