2010/7/29 Angel Velásquez <angvp@archlinux.com.ve>:
Do you know that there is some human intervention in the process to make these packages? those humans who are in the process called devs, trusted users, etc .. If you want the last version of _perl_ (or any other package) and it's not on the repos yet, you can compile yourself, share it with the pkgbuilds (if you want), or just wait until this or those human(s) have a free time to make the package(s) and do the tests, or you want a broken package but _updated_ ?.
Just so you know.... I volunteered to be a junior dev and was rejected. I have ~400 http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?SeB=m&L=2&K=xenoterracide packages on the AUR. I file out of date packages on on Arch every day. I think I filed ALL the rebuild bugs (for perl- packages ) for 5.12. I've been running it for 3 months. I think I've done everything I /can/ to get this rolled out. The fact is the small, very small amount of work that has yet to be done... I can't do. -- Caleb Cushing http://xenoterracide.com