Am Mon, 4 Jan 2010 09:59:49 -0600 schrieb Aaron Griffin <>:
You realize you don't need to say this *every single time* you answer an email from arch-dev-public? We do this (restrict who can post to that list) quite on purpose, and this is the defined method of answering these emails. Every dev subscribes to this list too so it isn't like your email is getting lost.
Hi Dan, I didn't know that either. I've several times wanted to reply to arch-dev-public emails and didn't know how. It's helpful to hear this is the expected protocol, thanks.
It used to (not sure if the message has changed) indicate this in the error response when trying to post to arch-dev-public. Something to the effect of "please send your reply to arch-general"
I didn't read this in the arch-dev-public response. Maybe I just missed it. I know that devs who are subscribed to arch-dev-public usually are subscribed to arch-general but I didn't know that this is the expected way to answer. I won't write this comment anymore. ;-) Thanks for the infos. Greetings, Heiko