On Sat, 16 Jun 2018 21:57:06 +0800, Patrick Young wrote:
More details, see the link below. I use arch linux now, version 238.
Hi, Arch version? Probably it's the version of systemd. We assume that your Arch Linux is up-to-date and not partial updated.
Are you using a sound server? If so, what sound server? If I open your link, the browser tab shows pulseaudio. At the bottom I get the impression you tagged it with "audio pulseaudio alsa", but you neither mention it by the subject, nor by your request. I guess it's possible to understand your problem, I don't worry about the "double-negatives" mentioned by somebody who replies. You are seemingly using pulseaudio. What have you already done regarding pulseaudio and ALSA settings? See http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html Regards, Ralf