2018年3月27日(火) 23:57 Sudarshan Kakoty via arch-general < arch-general@archlinux.org>:
I was reading "Arch Wiki" and felt curious about that difference between extra and community repo.
Some packages, such as "meson" is in the "extra" repo, whereas "ninja" is in "community" repo. The interesting fact is that - is an implicit dependency to "meson". So why that is (ninja) in the community repo?
Also, some critical GNOME specific packages are part of the community repo. Even, some compilers, like Haskell is also part of the community repo. What is the exact difference between extra and community repository?
I wonder, Is it really important to have that split? -- Sudarshan Kakoty <skakoty1337@yahoo.com>
simply saying. community is TU managed repo; mostly from AUR by vote. extra is higher than that.