Aaron Griffin wrote:
Anyone know if there's any way to decrypt the hashes created by the HashKnownHosts setting?
I think the whole point is that they *are* one way hashes. The only think I can think of is to find the algorithm they use (sha1?) and hash the hostnames that you know, then compare.
Alternatively, just remove those two and if you get the "(yes/no)" prompt you know that's the host 8)
That's kinda what I thought. Although, one of the hostname strings had an "=" at the end, so I was wondering if it might just have been something base64-oriented. Unfortunately I have no idea what machines they are. They're not machines that I use often (e.g., my home server, or my hosting isp), and since they're at the bottom of the known_hosts file (and have been hashed, which I think is a fairly recent setting change for Arch's openssh package) I assume they've been added recently. So I'm guessing they're machines here on our work network, and I'd like to know which ones. I can't think of any new machines I've SSH'ed into lately, though. Ah well. I deleted them from the known_hosts, and turned HashKnownHosts off for now, and I guess I'll just pay close attention the next time SSH asks me about a new host. Thanks, DR