On Wed, 13 Jan 2010 22:58:34 +0100 Dieter Plaetinck <dieter@plaetinck.be> wrote:
On Wed, 13 Jan 2010 14:22:30 -0500 Carlos Williams <carloswill@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Alexander Duscheleit <jinks@archlinux.us> wrote:
I still think /arch/setup *should* generate this file itself if it detects software raids in use for the target. The wiki even seems to suggest, that it does.
Could some releng shine light on this, please?
I completely agree. The Wiki suggests that it's as simple as self generating if I follow the steps and it clearly is not. I became so frustrated I almost abandoned Arch. I hope this gets fixed in a soon future release of Arch.
AIF has no support for softraid. It does make sure menu.lst, fstab etc are updated automagically but only for dm_crypt/lvm/"normal" setups.
That answers my question. The problem in this specific case is, that you have to sidestep the installer. Before running setup your target system isn't mounted, and after it is too late to put the file in place for mkinitcpio. Would it be possible to just generate the relevant mdadm.conf during the configure stage without providing further additional support? People are used to run installation steps in sequence so this would eliminate on source of (apparently frustrating) user error. A quick look at AIF's source suggest prefill_configs () as proper place. I'm not certain, how AIF identifies used block devices, but something like this would probably suffice: if md[0-9] in $BLOCKDEVICES -> mdadm --detail --scan >> ${var_TARGET_DIR}/etc/mdadm.conf
If the official installation guide states otherwise, we should fix that. please point me to the mistake/file a ticket. If community-maintained documentation is incorrect, fix it yourself.
The official istall guide specifically states that you are on your own with softraid. The raid/lvm/etc wiki article is a bit twisted in it's mix-and-match of methods, I shall have another look if I can squeeze the relevant information in there.
Patches to support softraid are always welcome. Things don't get improved by merely hoping for it. http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/14149
WONTFIX! This is already far too easy :)