Am 31.01.2011 09:15, schrieb Jakob Gruber:
For some reason, I'm not getting this behavior anymore with lvm2/device-mapper 2.02.82-1.
I inserted the 'udevadm settle' line into rc.sysinit on the 26th as you suggested (which fixed the issue). On the 27th, rc.sysinit was overwritten by new initscripts without me noticing. The bug hasn't resurfaced since then though - maybe some other update fixed it?
I know this isn't very helpful :/ I'll post here in case it appears again.
I could still reproduce the problem in a VM with the latest packages. This is the problem: Recent lvm does not synchronize to udev when it doesn't lock (which can happen with --ignorelockingfailure or --sysinit - they consider this a bug now). Depending on the number of udev rules, lvm might exit before all symlinks have been generated. I could reproduce this 3 out of 4 times with udisks installed, and a lot less often when it was not installed. It is mere coincidence that you can't reproduce it anymore.