rankmirrors tests all the mirrors in a file that you give it. So you could copy /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist and edit it to only contain mirrors in the US. That should give you a pretty good idea of which mirrors are best without trying to manually find a mirror that's geographically near you. On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 7:38 PM, Keith Hinton <keithint1234@gmail.com>wrote:
Hi, I was wondering what the best mirror would be for someone living ni Ohio? I'm curious if there are better mirrors than what I'm currently using? The present mirror I'm using is the esanews mirror, and I frequently get this while performing pacman upgrades with pacman -Syu: Could not download community.db and other such messages. Are there better mirrors in general? Or should I run the mirrorrank script? Hopefully the mirror script will use a U.S mirror as I live in the U.S. I mention Ohio because that's the state I live in presently, and am only trying to figure out if I could find a mirror that might be closer, or whatever. Thanks! Happy Arch linuxing!
Regards, --Keith
-- "All musicians are drug addicts, no question about it. The ecstasy we get during a concert is proof enough. yet there is a slight difference between us, the musicians, and the typical 'street-junkie'... Instead of consuming powder, we consume vibrations" Will et/ou Gregory Eric Sanderson Turcot Temlett MacDonnell Forbes et/ou Touffa! :)