OK! I agree with what is on the first e-mail from [arch-haskell]. Vesa idea is quite good. I quote here:
Future====== The actions I'm about to do are following: - remove haskell-platform and all its libs from extra - only keep ghc in extra - alex, happy and cabal-install and the libs they need (5-10) go to community
http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/arch-haskell/2011-November/001736.html My question was about the ghc version 7.2.2 instead of 7.0.3. The reason Haskell Platform did not 'upgrade' it is because it is a "technology preview' release as you can read in announcement:
The 7.2 branch is intended to be more of a "technology preview" than normal GHC stable branches; in particular, it supports a significantly improved version of DPH, as well as new features such as compiler plugins and "safe Haskell". The design of these new features may evolve as we get more experience with them.
http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/browser/ANNOUNCE?rev=78e1c3ce65af0594fd0... And I wonder if would be better to wait until the next "production" release to upgrade ghc in [extra]