On Thu, 29 Jul 2010 15:53:33 -0300 Martín Cigorraga <martosurf7600@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi guys, I'm having this rare issue:
several days ago I installed some things from [Testing] and because I don't wanna screw-up my system I turned it off. Since then, every day I check for updates -roughly 10 days more or less- pacman keeps telling it's all up-to-date while I know there's nearly everyday an update while not within several hours, at least in my system with what I have installed.
Also I was using packer (a community tool to deal with AUR) which keeps telling some installed packages (14) were newer than those found in theire repos (not from AUR but from extra and community rpositories).
Today I downloaded latest mirrorlist, did a # pacman -Syy && pacman -Suu and gave system is up-to-date which is in fact very strange, I mean, come on, there wasn't any updates in all these days? I don't think so :p
But the weirdest thing is afeter issue those orders I did a $ packer -Syu to update AUR packages and guess what? I remember I had something like 140 packages installed from AUR but this time packer wanted to check for 1272 packages lol
The weirdest thing? I can't install ABS, as you hear it, pacman can't found it in extra (or community or wherever it resides).
So the million question here is: is there *any* way to initialize whole pacman and it local repositories cache? I think of it as the last resort to may be fix this.
Thanks! Can you pastebin your pacman.conf please?
Also, picking packages from testing and then diabeling it might cause your system to break too :). Either use testing or don't, mixing like that is generally unsafe.