This is very helpful. Thank you! On Mon Jan 05 2015 at 2:06:50 PM Leonid Isaev <> wrote:
On Mon, Jan 05, 2015 at 07:12:41PM +0000, Neale Pickett wrote:
I run mdev instead of systemd-udev and was just alerted to the deprecation of all the groups I'd been using. Looking at the filesystem package, it seems that most of them are still present, but I presume they'll go away eventually.
In general... The groups you are talking about (i.e. optical, etc.) are arbitrary to begin with, so there is no strict requirement for having them. On a (current) Arch system your user doesn't need to be in any of these groups, so you can manually delete them. The reason is, as you said, that logind grants device access to local users. Of course, this logic won't work if you'd like to e.g. play audio over ssh (you'll have to be a member of audio).
Regarding the "standard" group list, I'd do the following: (1) Look at /usr/lib/sysuser.d/*. This is the systemd way (tm) of defining "standard" groups. The filesystem .install script follows this convention, AFAIK. So, these groups are unlikely to be deprecated in Arch, unless they are also deprecated in systemd (which might happen on a whim of course). (2) Clone Arch SVN repos and grep the .install scripts for udev rules that set device permissions to the above groups. I don't think there will be many (lvm2 and device-mapper come to mind).
If in (2) no packages come up, then just ignore Arch default groups (in the filesystem package). You already run a non-standard udev (mdev), so you'll have to make sure that the device nodes are created with a correct u+g permissions (via some rules). These rules will define your "standard" group list. Otherwise, stick with systemd groups.
HTH, -- Leonid Isaev GPG fingerprints: DA92 034D B4A8 EC51 7EA6 20DF 9291 EE8A 043C B8C4 C0DF 20D0 C075 C3F1 E1BE 775A A7AE F6CB 164B 5A6D