On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 2:41 PM, Thomas Göbel <goebel.thomas@gmx.net> wrote:
* <aaronmgriffin@gmail.com> [24.09.2009 21:27]:
On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 7:39 AM, Thomas Bächler <thomas@archlinux.org> wrote:
Xavier schrieb:
I just tried git, before realizing there was a good pkgbuild for it : http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=27520
and it does not work either.
I also checked the git code for dd and it is identical to the 1.0 code.
Found the issue. It's not dd specific at all, it has to do with bash's setting of the COMP_WORDBREAKS
$ echo $COMP_WORDBREAKS "'><=;|&(:
These are word separators for completion words. The command "dd if=<tab>" contains 3 completion words - "dd", "if", and "=" with the current word being "=".
If you do the following, it works:
$ export COMP_WORDBREAKS=${COMP_WORDBREAKS//=} $ dd if=<tab>
I suggest reporting this is a bug in bash_completion, as fixing this is rather complex
Didn`t work for me. dd if=<tab> shows me the content of the actual directory. If i now type /ho<tab> "dd if=/ho<tab>" the string if=/ho will be displaced to "dd /home".
Ah, well obviously it's more complicated than I though. The point is, that the COMP_WORDBREAKS setting, is splitting "if=" into "if" and "=", which doesn't match the case statement. If we want to fix this just for dd, we need to match the "=" and then get the previous word in COMP_WORDS prev="${COMP_WORDS[$(($COMP_CWORD -1))]}" Aaaaand... that doesn't work. I dunno, this is confusing, but the point is, it's splitting on the "if=" and thus can never complete as is