On Wed, Dec 02, 2009 at 11:28:37AM +0100, Arvid Picciani wrote:
Piyush P Kurur wrote:
switch from Debian stable on my laptop. It is definitely far better than the monstrosity of Ubuntu or Fedora. I dont know how you find it otherwise.
err yeah,.. i guess if you have other distros as comparison, arch feels like cake :D
Okey so you agree that Arch != Ubuntu. Now we have a way forward. Arvid's reply to me made me search for antidesktop (I did not know about such a movement) and I find this xorg-server-antidesktop in AUR. Whatever happended to it I do not know. Arvid can you start maintainning it and may be give it the status that if finally makes to the official Arch repository ? You dont have to fork Arch for that. I for one would definitely use this instead of the standard xorg-server with hal/dbus as I have always been a xmonad + xterm + screen user. I think there is nothing wrong in having two xorg-server packages besides anitdesktop sounds so cool. Regards ppk