On 3 July 2016 at 22:27, matthew dyer via arch-general <arch-general@archlinux.org> wrote:
Hi all,
I just installed arch into a vertual machine dfor now as I do not have a bare boons system to install to at the moment. Any way I have a problem whare my system thinks I am in lundon uk and not in the us. I have tried running NTPD-QG but I am told that the command not found. I want the clock to show the correct local time and not have it showing 4 hours ahead of it self. Any ideas on how to fix this. I want to show it in .profile, but it just creates a new file instead of using the exhisting file. How can I change my time to the corect local time? Thanks.
I didn't understand half of what you said, but: a) to set the system wide timezone use the command: timedatectl set-timezone Europe/London b) to enable a ntp client you can use systemd-timedate, enable it with: timedatectl set-ntp yes -- damjan