[arch-general] [off-topic] Korganizer: get ics webcals periodically sync (can be read only)
Hi ! Sorry for being a bit off-topic, however there might be Kontact Arch users that can help me out answering a question about Korganizer, from the Kontact suite. See when I tried using Korganizer, I could add caldav calendars, and I also could add ics online web calendars, however it seems the only way to add such calendar is treating them as static calendars, meaning they get added, but can't be periodically sync, which is what I'm looking for, since I access as read only my office calendar from office365, which requires pretty frequent syncs, and I also access astronomy events calendars and holidays calendars, which all evolve over time. Examples (excluding the office one): https://cantonbecker.com/astronomy-calendar-files/astrocal.ics https://www.officeholidays.com/ics/ics_country_code.php?iso=US https://www.officeholidays.com/ics/ics_country_code.php?iso=CR When adding those ics calendar as ical files (the only way I found to add them), I got sad warnings:
Select the file whose contents should be represented by this resource. If the file does not exist, it will be created. A URL of a remote file can also be specified, but note that monitoring for file changes will not work in this case.
I'm assuming no monitoring means no syncing at all, :( Isn't there a way to add such calendars, but keeping them doing periodic syncs, hopefully with individual periods each (more frequent for the office one, and less frequent for the other ones). Thanks ! -- Javier
If this is a limitation, it's a limitation of Akonadi that it doesn't monitor remote single files for changes. A workaround could be to use the local file source, let korganizer monitor it for changes, and sync the local file using wget/curl and a systemd --user timer. This should work flawlessly and be solid. Personally, I'd suggest to think differently and get the ICS subscription into your DAV calendaring system first. CalDAV software or hosting worth its money should support some kind of calendar subscription. This is exactly what I'm doing; I have CalDAV as the single source of truth, and subscriptions of external calendars flow into the DAV calendars. At the endpoint device, I just need to connect to CalDAV to get everything from one source. This is also the setup I'm using with KOrganizer.
On 9/11/20 9:01 AM, Jens John wrote:
If this is a limitation, it's a limitation of Akonadi that it doesn't monitor remote single files for changes. A workaround could be to use the local file source, let korganizer monitor it for changes, and sync the local file using wget/curl and a systemd --user timer. This should work flawlessly and be solid.
Personally, I'd suggest to think differently and get the ICS subscription into your DAV calendaring system first. CalDAV software or hosting worth its money should support some kind of calendar subscription. This is exactly what I'm doing; I have CalDAV as the single source of truth, and subscriptions of external calendars flow into the DAV calendars. At the endpoint device, I just need to connect to CalDAV to get everything from one source. This is also the setup I'm using with KOrganizer.
BTW, I do have the external ICS web calendars subscribed into my DAV provider, which has of course its own personal calendar and a birthday calendar extracted from the contacts information. On Thunderbird, when you include the caldav calendar, Thunderbird automatically includes the ICS calendars as separate read only calendars that are periodically sync, and one can change the syncing period, besides the personal and birthday caldav calendars. On Android, I do have both, davdroid and icsdroid (now renamed to davx5 and icsx5), and when including the caldav calendar to davdroid, besides including the personal and birthday caldav calendar to davdroid, it automatically populates icsdroid (the partner app) with the ICS calendars, which are sync periodically with a configurable period, but common for all ICS calendars. On Korganizer though (having installed Kontact, Kaddressbook, Kmail and all other SW), when including the caldav calendar, only the personal and birthday event are included, that I remember, and I honestly don't recall if separate as individual calendars as on the case of Thunderbird and davdroid+icsdroid, or as just one combined calendar. But as I never saw the ICS calendars events, I just had to include them manually, and as ICS files was the only way I found to include them... I don't know if it was a matter of time to see all calendars reflected in Korganizer (I waited like half an hour, and then connected again the next day, and saw nothing). Perhaps I need to try it again... -- Javier
participants (2)
Jens John