[arch-general] Fwd: arch-general Digest, Vol 93, Issue 66
First of all, sorry for this "all-in-one" answer, I do have to set options :| [...]
I think you want to use ArchBoot, the oldest oficial setup.
I do have an archboot iso on an usb key. [...]
Personally I think we would be better off with just these scripts + lots of documentation. If you are interested in an installer, then I guess the best solution is to get involved with the AIF and get it into shape again.
If I had the technical background, I would have done it :D
I'm not afraid of these scripts, but it could drive away some users which are not ready for a so "simplified" installation tool.
I think this is a good thing (once we have proper documentation). It forces users to understand how their system is set up, and how to fix it in case of problems. Unlike with other distributions (e.g. Ubuntu), I think this is a necessity when using Arch, and making this clear from the beginning should hopefully save both us and users from lots of grief.
I do agree. But those kind of breakage are not that current. Using archlinux since end of 2008 it is the first hard upgrade I faced for a long time. And of course, it will help users showing them if archlinux is a distro for them or not. [...]
I'm not afraid of these scripts, but it could drive away some users which are not ready for a so "simplified" installation tool.
In view of the many issues and complaints related to the move from /lib to /usr/lib, it seems pretty clear to me that most people who are uncomfortable partitioning their disk manually (or unwilling to learn) will not grow to enjoy Arch as a distribution.
I do agree. Having a wrapper around these scripts could an answer in a way. And many many problems for /lib are related to 3rd party packages. [...]
I've read the wiki page for arch-install-scripts. It is not very "user-friendly". Any hope to see this "embedded" in a program, like good old arch/setup ?
I'm not afraid of these scripts, but it could drive away some users which are not ready for a so "simplified" installation tool.
Archboot: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Archboot https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=143541
My favourite ISO :)
It uses a working installer for quite everything.
I do agree, even if grub2 install is kinda busted. I reported a bug related to this issue => https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/30565
For complete systemd support next ISO would be better to use,
Full systemd ? Yummy :D
I'm only waiting for core changes to calm down first. greetings tpowa
Thanks for the info, Tobias ! -- Frederic Bezies fredbezies@gmail.com
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