Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] devtools and db-scripts plans
- allow db-move to handle multiple packages (or add a script to help moving from community-testing)
We should kill these testing2whatever scripts and unify it completely in db-move (including the testing2x case where the right repository is automatically determined). Short-term it would probably suffice to create community-testing2community.
Ask and ye shall receive. Attached is a patch db-move that incorporates the ability to handle multiple packages and cleans up the whitespaces. I know the whitespace patch should technically be separate but I had such a hard time reading db-move when I was editing it that I had to include it for my own sanity. Note: my patch hasn't been tested beyond echoing output to the screen... but it should work.
participants (1)
Daniel J Griffiths (Ghost1227)