Re: [arch-general] `base` group replaced by mandatory `base` package - manual intervention required
9 Oct
9 Oct
4:23 p.m.
Sounds good to me - do you have a suggested list of packages for base-extras or at least the list of what was pulled from the old base.
Here's a diff of what was in the `base` group vs what is now in the `base` metapackage: $ comm -23 <(pacman -Sgq base | sort) <(expac -S "%D" base | tr -s " " "\n" | sort) cryptsetup device-mapper dhcpcd diffutils e2fsprogs inetutils jfsutils less linux linux-firmware logrotate lvm2 man-db man-pages mdadm nano netctl perl reiserfsprogs s-nail sysfsutils texinfo usbutils vi which xfsprogs
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John Crist