An in my opinion dubious dependency chain
Hi, to have a wider choice of media players I installed deepin-movie and deepin-music a long time ago, some dependencies were required, hence I had the following Deepin related packages installed: deepin-desktop-base deepin-movie deepin-music deepin-qt-dbus-factory deepin-qt5integration deepin-qt5platform-plugins dtkgui dtkwidget An obsolete package I already removed earlier was originally also installed: deepin-wayland IMO this is a reasonable amount of dependencies. When I tried to upgrade my Arch install today, by running sudo pacman -Syu this happens: :: There are 2 providers available for DEEPIN-ANYTHING-MODULE: :: Repository extra 1) deepin-anything-arch 2) deepin-anything-dkms Media players require a kernel module? So I'm going to pretend that I'm okay with that. This is what happens [1]. Those two media player that were installed a long time ago together with the required dependencies now pull in a complete desktop environment including a file-manager, wallpapers etc.. It seems a bit dubious to me, hence I removed the Deepin stuff from my machine. Am I being overly suspicious? I'm interested in opinions. Regards, Ralf [1] [snip] Packages (93) archlinux-keyring-20230918-1 avfs-1.1.5-1 bamf-0.5.6- 1 blur-effect-1.1.3-2 cowsay-3.04-4 cryfs-0.11.4-4 ddcutil-1.4.1- 1 deepin-account-faces-1.0.15-1 deepin-anything-5.0.18-1 deepin-anything-dkms-5.0.18-1 deepin-api-6.0.7-1 deepin-api-proxy-1.0.8-1 deepin-app-services- 1.0.22-1 deepin-appearance-1.1.6-1 deepin-application-manager-1.0.19-2 deepin-control- center-6.0.24-1 deepin-daemon-6.0.21-1 deepin-desktop-base- 2:2023.09.04-1 deepin-desktop-schemas-6.0.5-2 deepin-desktop-theme-1.0.8-1 deepin-dock-6.0.21-1 deepin-file-manager-1:6.0.29-1 deepin-gtk-theme-2020.06.10-1 deepin-icon-theme-2023.04.03-1 deepin-kwin-5.25.11-1 deepin-launcher-6.0.15-1 deepin-menu-5.0.1-12 deepin- music-6.2.31-1 deepin-network-core-2.0.15-1 deepin-pdfium-1.0.2-1 deepin-polkit-agent-6.0.5-1 deepin-polkit-agent-ext-gnomekeyring-5.0.1-1 deepin- pw-check-6.0.2-1 deepin-qt-dbus-factory-6.0.0-4 deepin- qt5integration-5.6.16-1 deepin-qt5platform-plugins-5.6.16-1 deepin-session-1.1.9-4 deepin-session-shell-6.0.9-1 deepin-session-ui-6.0.10-1 deepin-sound-theme-15.10.6-1 deepin- util-dfm-1.2.15-1 deepin-wallpapers-1:1.7.7-2 deepin-widgets-6.0.14-1 deepin-wloutput-daemon-2.0.3-1 disomaster-5.0.8-1 docparser-1.0.3-1 dtkcommon-5.6.16-1 dtkcore- 1:5.6.16-1 dtkgui-1:5.6.16-1 dtkwidget-5.6.16-1 dwayland-5.24.3.deepin.1.4-3 ffmpeg-2:6.0-11 gdk- pixbuf-xlib-2.40.2-2 geoip-database-extra-20230901-1 gio-qt-0.0.12- 1 haskell-aeson- haskell-assoc-1.0.2-190 haskell-bifunctors-5.6-1 haskell-foldable1-classes- compat-0.1-1 haskell-indexed-traversable-instances- haskell-regex-tdfa- haskell-semialign- haskell-semigroupoids-5.3.7-104 haskell-strict- haskell-these- haskell-witherable-0.4.2-63 i2c-tools-4.3-4 imagemagick- imwheel-1.0.0pre12-6 kscreenlocker-5.27.8-1 layer- shell-qt-5.27.8-1 libchardet-1.0.6-1 libdovi-3.2.0-2 libkscreen- 5.27.8-1 liblightdm-qt5-1:1.32.0-4 libplacebo-5.264.1-4 libqaccessibilityclient-0.4.1-2 linux-lts-6.1.54-1 linux-lts-docs-6.1.54-1 linux-lts-headers-6.1.54-1 lucene++-3.0.8-7 lzlib-1.13-3 microsoft-edge-beta-bin-117.0.2045.31-1 networkmanager-qt-5.110.0-1 onevpl-2023.3.1-1 procps-ng-4.0.4-2 shellcheck-0.9.0-49 socat- spdlog-1.12.0-1 startdde-6.0.10-3 xcur2png-0.7.1-7 xfce4-notifyd- 0.9.1-1 xorg-xwayland-23.2.0-1
On Wed, 2023-09-20 at 11:03 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
Packages (93)
After removing those 8 Deepin related packages the update does install/update only 25 packages. 93 packages - 8 original Deepin packages - 25 other updates = 60 odd packages
Hi, DDE v23 just entered [extra] and it was a rather large update. The dependencies still need to be adjusted during the following days. The deepin-qt-dbus-factory -> deepin-api-proxy dependency that bothered you have been removed now, and please be sure to remove the deepin-api-proxy package if you intend to run any of Deepin software outside of DDE. (The package itself has been removed as well.) You should see even less dependencies installed for deepin-music/deepin-movie now as their dependencies have been improved as well. Another note though: Please don't run deepin-screen-recorder or deepin-system-monitor outside of DDE for the time being, as they potentially will break your desktop session. Upstream still needs some work to improve the situation. -- Regards, Felix Yan
On Wed, 2023-09-20 at 19:49 +0300, Felix Yan wrote:
please be sure to remove the deepin-api-proxy package if you intend to run any of Deepin software outside of DDE. (The package itself has been removed as well.)
You should see even less dependencies installed for deepin-music/deepin-movie now as their dependencies have been improved as well.
Another note though: Please don't run deepin-screen-recorder or deepin-system-monitor outside of DDE for the time being, as they potentially will break your desktop session. Upstream still needs some work to improve the situation.
Thank you, 14 packages, this is ok. I still need to test, if those media players are useful for me. Regards, Ralf $ sudo pacman -S deepin-music deepin-movie resolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... Packages (14) deepin-desktop-base-2:2023.09.04-1 dtkcommon-5.6.16-1 dtkcore-1:5.6.16-1 dtkdeclarative-5.6.16-2 dtkgui-1:5.6.16-1 dtkwidget-5.6.16-1 gsettings-qt-0.2-1 lshw-B.02.19.2-6 qtdbusextended-0.0.3-1 qtmpris-1.0.6-1 spdlog-1.12.0-1 udisks2-qt5-5.0.6-1 deepin-movie-1:5.10.33-1 deepin-music-7.0.3-1
participants (2)
Felix Yan
Ralf Mardorf