[arch-general] Ruby gem packaging guidelines
I've made a draft of some packaging guidelines for ruby gems; anyone care to comment or expand them? http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Ruby_Gem_Package_Guidelines
On Fri, 20 Mar 2009 20:15:50 -0400 Daenyth Blank <daenyth+arch@gmail.com> wrote:
I've made a draft of some packaging guidelines for ruby gems; anyone care to comment or expand them?
There are around 140 gems that have a name starting with 'ruby-*', (`gem list -r ruby-`), should they become 'ruby-ruby-*'? What about naming convention for github gems? -- ^ manveru
2009/3/21 Michael Fellinger <m.fellinger@gmail.com>:
On Fri, 20 Mar 2009 20:15:50 -0400 Daenyth Blank <daenyth+arch@gmail.com> wrote:
I've made a draft of some packaging guidelines for ruby gems; anyone care to comment or expand them?
There are around 140 gems that have a name starting with 'ruby-*', (`gem list -r ruby-`), should they become 'ruby-ruby-*'?
What about naming convention for github gems?
Also caps should become smallcase. -- Abhishek
On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 00:42, Michael Fellinger <m.fellinger@gmail.com> wrote:
There are around 140 gems that have a name starting with 'ruby-*', (`gem list -r ruby-`), should they become 'ruby-ruby-*'?
What about naming convention for github gems? Same as for gems hosted by rubyforge or any other. My github-gem
That's a good question which I don't know the answer to. package is named such because it's an application, and that's the name.
-- ^ manveru
On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 00:44, Abhishek Dasgupta <abhidg@gmail.com> wrote:
Also caps should become smallcase.
-- Abhishek
Agreed, I will add that to the wiki if it's not already there.
2009/3/21 Daenyth Blank <daenyth+arch@gmail.com>:
I've made a draft of some packaging guidelines for ruby gems; anyone care to comment or expand them?
Since ruby gems already have a specification file at http://gems.rubyforge.org/yaml I made a gem2arch script [1] which takes the name of the gem and the version as parameters and produces a PKGBUILD. Unfortunately, the yaml does not have any license information, so manual editing is still needed. [1]: http://github.com/abhidg/gem2arch/tree/master Example: $ gem2arch backlog 0.35.5 pkgname=ruby-backlog pkgver=0.35.5 _realname="backlog" pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Application to aid collecting, processing, organizing, reviewing and doing tasks." arch=(any) url="http://rubyforge.org/projects/backlog/" license=() depends=('ruby' 'ruby-rails=1.2.4' 'ruby-gruff>0.2.9' 'ruby-postgres>0.7.9' \ 'ruby-slave>1.2.1' 'ruby-mechanize>0.8.4' 'ruby-hoe>=1.8.2') makedepends=(rubygems) source=(http://gems.rubyforge.org/gems/backlog-$pkgver.gem) noextract=(backlog-$pkgver.gem) build() { cd $srcdir local _gemdir="$(ruby -rubygems -e'puts Gem.default_dir')" gem install --ignore-dependencies -i "$pkgdir$_gemdir" ${_realname}-$pkgver.gem } -- Abhishek
On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 14:31:46 +0530 Abhishek Dasgupta <abhidg@gmail.com> wrote:
2009/3/21 Daenyth Blank <daenyth+arch@gmail.com>:
I've made a draft of some packaging guidelines for ruby gems; anyone care to comment or expand them?
Since ruby gems already have a specification file at http://gems.rubyforge.org/yaml I made a gem2arch script [1] which takes the name of the gem and the version as parameters and produces a PKGBUILD. Unfortunately, the yaml does not have any license information, so manual editing is still needed.
Very nice, I've made a similar script, but it doesn't respect that naming convention and ignores dependencies, thanks a lot! My script can be found at http://p.ramaze.net/19811 - but I'll go through your library and see what we can improve. Rubyforge keeps track of the license, so for gems hosted there we might be able to query that. -- ^ manveru
participants (3)
Abhishek Dasgupta
Daenyth Blank
Michael Fellinger