[arch-general] How to create archlinux install CD?
I have a new i586 machine and want to install archlinux i586 on it. So I want to recreate the archlinux install CD. But how do i do it? I have unpacked the install ISO, and is replacing all the packages, but when it comes to inird.img, the instructions in the wiki do not work. I cannot mount the unzipped inird.img. What should I do? file say that it is a cpio archive, but how do I unpack and mount it? And then, what is lowcore.img? Of course I could do it by booting debian, or something, and then replacing it with archlinux, but actually having an archlinux install CD would be pretty handy for my i586 machines.
All the packages are compiled for the i686 arch, so you would have to recompile every single package you would want to use. IIRC there use to be a port out there for i586 but I have no idea if it still exists. On Fri, 4 Apr 2008 08:39:50 +0200, Karolina Lindqvist <karolina.lindqvist@kramnet.se> wrote:
I have a new i586 machine and want to install archlinux i586 on it. So I
to recreate the archlinux install CD. But how do i do it? I have
the install ISO, and is replacing all the packages, but when it comes to
inird.img, the instructions in the wiki do not work. I cannot mount the
unzipped inird.img. What should I do? file say that it is a cpio archive,
how do I unpack and mount it? And then, what is lowcore.img?
Of course I could do it by booting debian, or something, and then
replacing it
with archlinux, but actually having an archlinux install CD would be
handy for my i586 machines.
On Fri, Apr 04, 2008 at 06:46:51AM -0400, pyther wrote:
She has already done that. She's asking how to create the iso and stuff Greg
Is it possible to gzip it? There is also the archboot package. I don't know if it's possible to script to create an i586 ISO.
Karolina Lindqvist wrote:
cpio: As I always forget the command to unpack cpio archives I generally use mc to look inside them. That's quite a good idea anyway, as some are badly built so that they unpack to / and make a mess of your file system if you are not careful. You don't need to (can't) mount it. I expect the command to unpack a cpio is on the man page. The correct command to recompress it after you've done your adjustments can be found floating around on the internet ... I think it's something along the lines of: cd image find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip > ../initrd.img
2008/4/4, Karolina Lindqvist <karolina.lindqvist@kramnet.se>:
I cannot provide much help here because I never rebuilt the ISO by myself, but you should take a look at archboot (used to generate our ISOs) and the new archiso tool: http://projects.archlinux.org/git/?p=archiso.git;a=tree -- Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)
fredag 04 april 2008 skrev Roman Kyrylych:
Ok, thank you. I will get into those tools to see if I can produce an install CD.
participants (6)
Grigorios Bouzakis
Karolina Lindqvist
Martin Brandenburg
Michael Towers
Roman Kyrylych