[arch-general] [testing]intel driver broken
Hello After upgrading to testing, my X server won't fire up it says in logs, that cannot load driver. Upgrade packages : boost-1.35.0-1 cracklib-2.8.12-1 inputproto-1.4.4-1 libdrm-2.3.1-1 libgl-7.1-2 intel-dri-7.1-2 jfsutils-1.1.13-1 libxau-1.0.4-1 xcb-proto-1.2-1 libxcb- libx11-1.1.4-3 mesa-7.1-1 miro-1.2.7-1 pcmciautils-015-1 pixman-0.11.8-1 sdparm-1.03-1 shadow- xf86-video-apm-1.2.0-2 xf86-video-vesa-2.0.0-2 xorg-server- I cannot repeat this situation now, because it make my laptop unusable. What i can tell, i am sure in logs there was note 'symbol missing', but I cannot tell which. I am sure it was in i810 driver. I've attached Xorg.conf and list of packages. Sory,for so less information. Bye -- Rafał (ert16) Trójniak m@il : ert256@gmail.com Jid : ert256@gmail.com ert16@chrome.pl GPG key-ID : DD681D47 749F E1DC A58F 9084 BBC0 797A 0691 53D6 DD68 1D47 Section "ServerLayout" Identifier "X.org Configured" # Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0 Screen "Screen0" Screen "Screen_ext" RightOf "Screen0" InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer" InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard" Option "AIGLX" "true" EndSection Section "Files" RgbPath "/usr/share/X11/rgb" ModulePath "/usr/lib/xorg/modules" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/TTF" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/Type1" EndSection Section "Module" Load "xtrap" Load "dri" Load "glx" Load "extmod" Load "record" Load "dbe" Load "type1" Load "freetype" EndSection Section "dri" Mode 0666 EndSection Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Keyboard0" Driver "kbd" Option "XkbRules" "xorg" Option "XkbModel" "pc104" Option "XkbLayout" "pl" EndSection Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Mouse0" Driver "mouse" Option "Protocol" "auto" Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice" Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7" EndSection Section "Monitor" #DisplaySize 330 210 # mm Identifier "Monitor0" VendorName "CMO" ModelName "1526" ### Comment all HorizSync and VertRefresh values to use DDC: HorizSync 31.5 - 108.0 VertRefresh 50.0 - 80.0 EndSection Section "Monitor" Identifier "Monitor_ext" #HorizSync 30.0 - 96.0 #VertRefresh 50.0 - 160.0 #ModeLine "1280x1024" 157.5 1280 1344 1504 1728 1024 1025 1028 1072 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "1280x1024" 135.0 1280 1296 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "1024x768" 94.5 1024 1072 1168 1376 768 769 772 808 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "1024x768" 78.8 1024 1040 1136 1312 768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "1024x768" 65.0 1024 1048 1184 1344 768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync #ModeLine "800x600" 56.2 800 832 896 1048 600 601 604 631 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "800x600" 49.5 800 816 896 1056 600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "800x600" 50.0 800 856 976 1040 600 637 643 666 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "800x600" 40.0 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "640x480" 36.0 640 696 752 832 480 481 484 509 -hsync -vsync #ModeLine "640x480" 31.5 640 656 720 840 480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync #ModeLine "640x480" 25.2 640 648 744 784 480 482 484 509 -hsync -vsync #ModeLine "640x480" 43.2 640 680 744 848 480 481 484 509 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "768x576" 35.0 768 792 872 976 576 577 580 597 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "768x576" 42.9 768 800 880 992 576 577 580 601 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "768x576" 45.5 768 808 888 1008 576 577 580 602 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "768x576" 51.8 768 808 888 1008 576 577 580 605 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "768x576" 62.6 768 816 896 1024 576 577 580 611 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "800x600" 68.2 800 848 936 1072 600 601 604 636 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "1024x768" 113.3 1024 1096 1208 1392 768 769 772 814 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "1280x1024" 191.0 1280 1376 1520 1760 1024 1025 1028 1085 -hsync +vsync EndSection Section "Device" ### Available Driver options are:- ### Values: <i>: integer, <f>: float, <bool>: "True"/"False", ### <string>: "String", <freq>: "<f> Hz/kHz/MHz" ### [arg]: arg optional #Option "NoAccel" # [<bool>] #Option "SWcursor" # [<bool>] #Option "ColorKey" # <i> #Option "CacheLines" # <i> #Option "Dac6Bit" # [<bool>] #Option "DRI" # [<bool>] #Option "NoDDC" # [<bool>] #Option "ShowCache" # [<bool>] #Option "XvMCSurfaces" # <i> #Option "PageFlip" # [<bool>] Identifier "Card0" Driver "i810" VendorName "Intel Corporation" BoardName "Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller" BusID "PCI:0:2:0" Option "MonitorLayout" "CRT,LFP" Screen 0 EndSection Section "Device" Identifier "Card1" Driver "i810" BusID "PCI:0:2:0" Option "MonitorLayout" "CRT2,LFP2" Screen 1 EndSection Section "Screen" Identifier "Screen_ext" Device "Card1" Monitor "Monitor_ext" SubSection "Display" Viewport 0 0 Depth 24 Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" EndSubSection EndSection Section "Screen" Identifier "Screen0" Device "Card0" Monitor "Monitor0" EndSection Section "Extensions" Option "Composite" "Enable" EndSection 915resolution 0.5.3-1 a2ps 4.13c-1 a52dec 0.7.4-4 aalib 1.4rc5-6 abs 2.2-1 acl 2.2.47-1 acpid 1.0.6-1 acpitool 0.4.7-2 acroread 8.1.2-1 aircrack 2.41-1 airsnort 0.2.7e-4 akonadi 1.0.0-1 alpine 1.10-3 alsa-lib 1.0.17a-1 alsa-oss 1.0.15-1 alsa-utils 1.0.17-1 alsaplayer 0.99.80-1 amyedit 1.0-3 antiright 3.6-2 antiword 0.37-1 apache 2.2.9-4 apache-ant 1.7.0-2 apmd 3.0.2-5 apr 1.3.2-2 apr-util 1.3.2-2 arandr-svn 97-4 arch-artwork 0.2.1-2 archlinux-menus 2.1-2 argouml 0.24-2 arpwatch 2.1a15-4 aspell 0.60.6-2 at 3.1.10-1 at-spi 1.22.1-1 aterm 1.0.1-1 atk 1.22.0-1 attr 2.4.41-1 audacious 1.5.1-1 audacious-docklet 0.1.1-5 audacious-itouch-control 0.1.1-1 audacious-plugins 1.5.1-1 audacity 1.3.5-1 audio-convert audiofile 0.2.6-3 aumix 2.8-1 autoconf 2.62-1 autocutsel 0.9.0-1 autogen 5.9.5-1 automake 1.10.1-2 autotrace 0.31.1-7 avahi 0.6.23-1 azureus bash 3.2.039-3 bc 1.06-5 bcprov 1.38-1 beep 1.2.2-1 bigreqsproto 1.0.2-1 bin86 0.16.17-3 bind 9.5.0-4 binutils 2.18-9 bison 2.3-4 blas 19980702-5 blender 2.46-1 bluez-libs 3.32-1 boost 1.34.1-2 bridge-utils 1.2-2 bzip2 1.0.5-3 ca-certificates 20080809-4 cairo 1.6.4-1 cairo-perl 1.060-1 cairomm 1.6.0-1 capseo 158-1 ccd2iso 0.3-4 ccmalloc 0.4.0-1 cdparanoia 10.1-1 cdrdao 1.2.2-2 cdrkit 1.1.8-1 chmlib 0.39-1 clamav 0.93.3-1 clamtk 3.08-3 cln 1.2.2-1 clucene 0.9.20-1 codecs 20071007-1 colortail 0.3.0-2 compositeproto 0.4-1 confuse 2.6-1 coreutils 6.12-1 cpio 2.9-3 cppunit 1.12.1-1 cpufreqd 2.2.1-2 cpufrequtils 004-1 cracklib 2.8.10-5 crunchyfrog 0.2.0-5 cryptsetup 1.0.6-1 csup 20060318-5 cups 1.3.8-2 cups-pdf 2.4.8-1 cupsddk 1.2.3-3 curl 7.18.2-1 cvs 1.11.23-2 cyrus-sasl 2.1.22-9 cyrus-sasl-plugins 2.1.22-7 damageproto 1.1.0-1 db 4.7.25-1 db4.1 4.1.25-2 db4.5 4.5.20-1 dbh 1.0.24-2 dbus 1.2.3-1 dbus-glib 0.76-1 dbus-python 0.83.0-1 dbus-qt3 0.62-3 dclib 0.3.10-1 dcron 3.2-3 ddd 3.3.11-4 denyhosts 2.6-3 desktop-file-utils 0.15-1 devhelp 0.19.1-2 device-mapper 1.02.24-1 dhclient 3.0.6-2 dhcp 3.1.1-1 dhcpcd 3.2.1-1 dialog 1.1_20080316-4 diffutils 2.8.1-5 dirmngr 1.0.2-1 dirsync 1.0.11-2 distcc 2.18.3-2 ditrack 0.7-3 dmapi 2.2.8-3 dmenu 3.4-1 dmidecode 2.9-2 dmraid 1.0.0.rc14-4 dmxproto 2.2.2-1 dnsmasq 2.45-1 dnsutils 9.5.0-4 docbook-xml 4.5-1 docbook-xsl 1.73.2-1 docutils 0.4-4 dosbox 0.72-4 dosfstools 2.11-2 doxygen 1.5.6-1 doxygenfilter 1.01-2 dsniff 2.4b1-11 dssi 0.9.1-3 dvd+rw-tools 7.1-1 dvgrab 3.1-1 dynamite 0.1.1-1 e2fsprogs 1.40.8-1 ebook-tools 0.1.1-1 ed 1.0-1 eel 2.22.2-1 eject 2.1.5-3 ekg 1.7-1 enchant 1.4.2-1 enlightenment epiphany 2.22.3-1 esd 0.2.39-1 etherape 0.9.7-3 ethtool 6-1 etracer 0.40-2 ettercap NG_0.7.3-10 evieext 1.0.2-1 evolution-data-server 2.22.3-2 exempi 2.0.1-2 exim 4.68-5 exiv2 0.17.1-1 exo 0.3.4-2 expat 2.0.1-1 expectk faac 1.26-1 faad2 2.6.1-1 fakeroot 1.9.5-1 fam 2.7.0-10 feh 1.3.4-3 ffmpeg 20080715-3 fftw 3.1.2-2 file 4.26-1 filelight 1.0-3 filesystem 2008.07-1 findutils 4.4.0-1 firefox 3.0.1-2 fixesproto 4.0-2 flac 1.2.1-1 flashplayer-standalone flashplugin flex 2.5.35-1 fltk 1.1.9-1 fluidsynth 1.0.8-1 fluxbox 1.0.0-1 fontcacheproto 0.1.2-1 fontconfig 2.6.0-2 fontsproto 2.0.2-1 foomatic-db 3.0_20080723-1 foomatic-db-engine 3.0_20080723-1 foomatic-db-hpijs 20080723-1 foomatic-filters 3.0_20080723-1 fortune-mod 1.99.1-3 fpconst 0.7.3-1 freeglut 2.4.0-3 freetype1 1.3.1-4 freetype2 2.3.7-1 fribidi 0.10.9-1 fuse 2.7.3-1 fwbuilder 2.1.17-1 fwlogwatch 1.1-1 gail 1.22.3-1 gawk 3.1.6-2 gc 7.0-2 gcc 4.3.2-1 gcc-libs 4.3.2-1 gconf 2.22.0-1 gd 2.0.35-1 gdb 6.8-3 gdbm 1.8.3-5 gdesklets 0.36.0-1 gdk-pixbuf 0.22.0-4 gdl 0.7.11-1 geany 0.14-3 geanyprj 0.3-1 geanyvc 0.3-1 gecko-mediaplayer 0.7.0-1 gecko-sharp 0.6-9 geda-libs 1.4.0-1 geda-suite 1.4.0-1 gen-init-cpio 2.6.17-3 geoip 1.4.4-1 gettext 0.17-2 gftp 2.0.18-3 ggz-client-libs ghex 2.22.0-1 ghostscript 8.63-3 giblib 1.2.4-3 giflib 4.1.6-3 gimageview 0.2.27-2 gimmix 0.4.3-1 gimp 2.4.6-1 gimp-dbp 1.1.7-1 gimp-fourier 0.3.1-1 gimp-gap 2.4.0-1 gimp-plugin-greycstoration 2.9-1 gimp-refocus 0.9.0-2 gimp-ufraw 0.13-3 git glade 3.5.2-1 glade-perl 1.006-2 glib 1.2.10-7 glib-perl 1.182-1 glib2 2.16.5-1 glibc 2.8-3 glibmm 2.16.4-2 glitz 0.5.6-1 glob2 0.9.3-1 glproto 1.4.9-1 gmp 4.2.2-2 gmpc gnochm 0.9.11-2 gnome-applets 2.22.3-1 gnome-backgrounds 2.22.0-1 gnome-build 0.2.4-1 gnome-control-center gnome-desktop 2.22.3-1 gnome-doc-utils 0.12.2-1 gnome-icon-theme 2.22.0-1 gnome-keyring 2.22.3-1 gnome-media 2.22.0-2 gnome-menus 2.22.2-1 gnome-mime-data 2.18.0-3 gnome-mount 0.8-1 gnome-mplayer 0.7.0-1 gnome-panel 2.22.2-1 gnome-python 2.22.1-1 gnome-python-desktop 2.22.0-1 gnome-python-extras 2.19.1-2 gnome-session 2.22.3-1 gnome-settings-daemon gnome-spell 1.0.8-1 gnome-terminal 2.22.3-1 gnome-themes 2.22.2-1 gnome-vfs 2.22.0-4 gnome2-user-docs 2.22.1-1 gnonlin 0.10.9-1 gnu-netcat 0.7.1-2 gnump3d 3.0-2 gnupg 1.4.9-1 gnupg2 2.0.9-1 gnuplot 4.2.3-2 gnutls 2.4.1-3 gobby 0.4.5-1 google-hacks 0.1-1 gpa 0.7.6-1 gpg-crypter 0.3.5-3 gpgme 1.1.6-1 gpm 1.20.5-2 gps 1.1.0-1 gqview 2.0.4-1 graphviz 2.20.2-1 grep 2.5.3-3 groff 1.19.2-4 grub 0.97-13 gsfonts 8.11-4 gsl 1.11-1 gspcav1 1.00.20-7 gspiceui 0.9.55-1 gstreamer0.10 0.10.20-1 gstreamer0.10-base 0.10.20-1 gstreamer0.10-base-plugins 0.10.20-1 gstreamer0.10-good 0.10.8-1 gstreamer0.10-good-plugins 0.10.8-4 gstreamer0.10-python 0.10.12-1 gthumb 2.10.8-1 gtk 1.2.10-8 gtk-doc 1.10-1 gtk-engines 2.14.3-1 gtk-fortune 0.1.1-1 gtk-sharp 1.0.10-6 gtk-sharp-2 2.12.1-1 gtk-xfce-engine 2.4.2-1 gtk2 2.12.11-3 gtk2-perl 1.182-1 gtkam 0.1.15-1 gtkglarea 1.2.3-2 gtkhtml 3.18.3-1 gtklp 1.2.6-4 gtkmm 2.12.7-1 gtkpod 0.99.12-1 gtksourceview 1.8.5-2 gtksourceview2 2.2.2-1 gtkspell 2.0.13-1 gucharmap 2.22.3-1 guile 1.8.4-3 guile-gtk 1.2_0.60-1 gvfs 0.2.5-2 gvim 7.1.330-1 gzip 1.3.12-4 hal 0.5.11-1 hal-cups-utils 0.6.13-1 hal-info 0.20080508-1 hd2u 1.0.1-1 hddtemp 0.3.beta15.38-1 hdparm 8.9-1 hedgewars 0.9.6-1 heimdal 1.2-2 hexcurse 1.55-2 hexedit 1.2.12-2 hibernate-script 1.99-1 hicolor-icon-theme 0.10-1 hping 2.0.0-2 hplip 2.8.7-2 hpoj 0.91-12 hsqldb-java hunspell 1.2.6-1 hwdetect 0.9-1 icecast 2.3.1-5 icon-naming-utils 0.8.7-1 icon-slicer 0.3-2 icu 4.0-1 id3lib 3.8.3-10 ifenslave 1.1.0-3 imagemagick imap 2007a-2 imlib 1.9.15-4 imlib2 1.4.1-1 indilib 0.5-1 indywiki 0.9.8-1 initscripts 2008.08-1 inkscape 0.46-6 inotail 0.5-3 inputproto 1.4.3-1 intel-dri 7.0.3-1 interlis-compiler 3.6.5-1 intltool 0.40.3-1 iperf 2.0.2-2 iproute 2.6.25-1 iptables 1.4.0-2 iptraf 3.0.0-2 iputils 20070202-4 ipvsadm 1.24-1 irda-utils 0.9.18-1 irssi 0.8.12-4 iso-codes 2.0-1 ispell 3.3.02-3 jack-audio-connection-kit 0.109.2-2 jacman 0.4-2 jade 1.2.1-5 jasper 1.900.1-1 jdk 6u7-1 jfsutils 1.1.12-2 jhead 2.82-1 john jpdftweak 0.9-1 jre 6u7-1 k3b 1.0.5-1 kadu kbd kbproto 1.0.3-1 kchmviewer 3.1-3 kde-l10n-pl 4.1.1-1 kdeaccessibility 4.1.1-1 kdeadmin 4.1.1-1 kdeartwork 4.1.1-1 kdebase 4.1.1-2 kdebase-runtime 4.1.1-1 kdebase-workspace 4.1.1-1 kdebindings 4.1.1-1 kdeedu 4.1.1-1 kdegames 4.1.1-1 kdegraphics 4.1.1-1 kdelibs 4.1.1-2 kdelibs3 3.5.10-1 kdemultimedia 4.1.1-1 kdepimlibs 4.1.1-1 kdeplasma-addons 4.1.1-1 kdesdk 4.1.1-1 kdetoys 4.1.1-1 kdeutils 4.1.1-1 kdewebdev 4.1.1-1 kernel-headers kernel26 kernel26-xen 2.6.22-11 kernel26suspend2 kid3 1.0-2 kismet 2007_10_R1-2 kiwi 1.9.22-1 klibc 1.5-6 klibc-extras 2.4-2 klibc-kbd 1.15.20080312-6 klibc-module-init-tools 3.4-1 klibc-udev 116-4 klogwatch 2.0.3-1 kmplayer 0.11.0-2 koffice 1.6.3-4 kqemu 1.3.0pre11-22 kqemu-suspend2 1.3.0pre11-3 ktorrent 3.1.2-1 ladspa 1.13-1 lame 3.98-2 lapack 3.1.1-3 laptop-mode-tools 1.42-1 latex2html 2002.2.1-1 latex2rtf 1.9.19-1 lcms 1.17-2 less 418-1 lesstif 0.95.0-2 libao 0.8.8-2 libarchive 2.5.5-1 libart-lgpl 2.3.20-1 libassuan 1.0.5-1 libavc1394 0.5.3-1 libbeagle libbonobo 2.22.0-1 libbonoboui 2.22.0-1 libcap 1.10-2 libcaptury 158-1 libcddb 1.3.0-3 libcdio 0.80-3 libcroco 0.6.1-1 libcups 1.3.8-2 libdaemon 0.12-1 libdatrie 0.1.2-1 libdjvu 3.5.20-1 libdmx 1.0.2-1 libdnet 1.12-1 libdownload 1.3-1 libdrm 2.3.0-1 libdv 1.0.0-1 libdvdnav 0.1.10-3 libdvdread 0.9.7-1 libelf 0.8.10-3 libepc 0.3.5-2 libevent 1.3e-1 libexif 0.6.16-1 libexif-gtk 0.3.5-8 libfontenc 1.0.4-1 libfwbuilder 2.1.17-1 libgcrypt 1.4.1-1 libgda 1.2.4-4 libgdiplus 1.9-1 libggz libgl 7.0.3-2 libglade 2.6.2-1 libglademm 2.6.6-1 libgnome 2.22.0-1 libgnomecanvas libgnomecups 0.2.3-3 libgnomedb 1.2.2-6 libgnomekbd 2.22.0-2 libgnomeprint 2.18.3-3 libgnomeprintui 2.18.2-1 libgnomeui 2.22.01-1 libgpg-error 1.6-1 libgphoto2 2.4.2-1 libgpod 0.6.0-2 libgsf 1.14.8-1 libgtkhtml 2.11.1-1 libgtop 2.22.3-1 libgweather 2.22.3-1 libice 1.0.4-1 libid3tag 0.15.1b-2 libidl2 0.8.11-1 libidn 1.0-1 libiec61883 1.1.0-1 libieee1284 0.2.11-1 libipoddevice 0.5.3-1 libixp 0.4-1 libjpeg 6b-4 libkexif 0.2.5-1 libkipi 0.1.6-2 libksba 1.0.3-1 liblbxutil 1.0.1-1 libldap 2.3.40-1 liblo 0.23-1 liblrdf 0.4.0-5 libmad 0.15.1b-2 libmal 0.44-1 libmcrypt 2.5.8-1 libmcs 0.7.1-1 libmikmod 3.1.12-1 libmng 1.0.10-1 libmowgli 0.7.0-1 libmp4v2 1.6-1 libmpcdec 1.2.6-1 libmpd 0.15.0-1 libmpeg2 0.5.1-1 libmysqlclient 5.0.60-1 libnet libnetworkmanager 0.6.6-1 libnl 1.1-1 libnotify 0.4.4-2 libnova 0.12.1-1 libofa 0.9.3-1 libogg 1.1.3-1 liboil 0.3.14-1 libopensync 0.22-1 libpcap 0.9.8-2 libpcapnav 0.8-2 libpciaccess 0.10.3-1 libpng 1.2.31-1 libpqxx 2.6.9-1 libqalculate 0.9.6-4 libraw1394 1.3.0-1 librsvg 2.22.2-1 libsamplerate 0.1.4-1 libsasl 2.1.22-7 libsexy 0.1.11-1 libshout 2.2.2-2 libsidplay 1.36.59-2 libsigc++2.0 2.2.2-1 libsm 1.1.0-1 libsmbios 2.0.2-1 libsndfile 1.0.17-2 libsoup 2.4.1-2 libspectre 0.2.0-1 libstatgrab 0.16-1 libstdc++5 3.3.6-2 libtasn1 1.4-1 libthai 0.1.9-1 libtheora 1.0beta1-1 libtiff 3.8.2-3 libtool 2.2.4-1 libtorrent 0.11.9-1 libtracker 0.6.6-1 libusb 0.1.12-3 libvisual 0.4.0-1 libvorbis 1.2.0-1 libwmf libwnck 2.22.3-1 libwpd 0.8.14-1 libx11 1.1.4-2 libx86 0.99-1 libxau 1.0.3-1 libxaw 1.0.4-1 libxcb 1.1-1 libxcomposite 0.4.0-1 libxcursor 1.1.9-1 libxdamage 1.1.1-1 libxdmcp 1.0.2-1 libxevie 1.0.2-1 libxext 1.0.4-1 libxfce4mcs 4.4.2-1 libxfce4util 4.4.2-1 libxfcegui4 4.4.2-1 libxfixes 4.0.3-1 libxfont 1.3.3-1 libxfontcache 1.0.4-1 libxft 2.1.13-1 libxi 1.1.3-1 libxinerama 1.0.3-1 libxkbfile 1.0.5-1 libxkbui 1.0.2-1 libxklavier 3.6-1 libxmi 1.2-1 libxml++2 2.22.0-1 libxml2 2.6.32-2 libxmu 1.0.4-1 libxp 1.0.0-2 libxpm 3.5.7-1 libxrandr 1.2.3-1 libxrender 0.9.4-1 libxres 1.0.3-1 libxslt 1.1.24-1 libxss 1.1.3-1 libxt 1.0.5-1 libxtrap 1.0.0-2 libxtst 1.0.3-1 libxv 1.0.4-1 libxvmc 1.0.4-1 libxxf86dga 1.0.2-1 libxxf86misc 1.0.1-1 libxxf86vm 1.0.2-1 libzip 0.8-1 licenses 2.4-1 liferea 1.4.18-2 lilo 22.8-2 links 2.2-2 lirc-utils 0.8.3-1 lm_sensors 3.0.2-2 logrotate 3.7.5-1 logwatch 7.3.6-1 lshwd 1.1.3-5 lsof 4.80-1 lua 5.1.4-2 lvm2 2.02.36-1 lynx 2.8.6-2 lzo 1.08-4 lzo2 2.02-3 m4 1.4.11-1 mailx 8.1.1-5 make 3.81-3 makepasswd 1.10-2 man 1.6f-2 man-pages 3.08-1 mbrowse 0.3.1-2 mc 4.6.1-5 mcpp 2.6.4-2 mdadm 2.6.7-1 memprof 0.6-2 mesa 7.0.3-3 metacity 2.22.0-1 mime-types 1.0-1 minicom 2.3-2 miro 1.2.4-1 mjpegtools 1.8.0-3 mkinitcpio 0.5.19-1 moc 2.4.3-4 module-init-tools 3.4-1 monica 3.7-1 mono 1.9.1-1 motion mousepad 0.2.13-1 mozilla-common 1.2-1 mp32ogg 0.11-3 mpc 0.12.1-3 mpd 0.13.2-1 mpfr 2.3.1-1 mpg123 1.5.0-1 mpgtx 1.3.1-1 mplayer 1.0rc2-6 mplayer-plugin 3.55-1 mrtg 2.15.2-1 mtools 3.9.11-1 mtr 0.72-2 multitail 5.2.2-2 muse 0.8.1-2 musicbrainz 2.1.5-1 mutagen 1.14-1 mutt 1.5.18-1 myodbc 3.51.26-1 mysql 5.0.60-1 mysql-clients 5.0.60-2 mysql-gui-tools 5.0r12-2 mysql-python 1.2.2-1 mysqlcc 0.9.8-3 nagios-nrpe 2.11-1 namcap 2.1-1 nano 2.0.8-3 nas 1.9.1-2 nautilus ncftp 3.2.1-2 ncmpc 0.11.1-5 ncurses 5.6-8 ndiswrapper 1.53-1 ndiswrapper-suspend2 1.47-1 ndiswrapper-utils 1.53-1 nemesis 1.4-1 neon 0.28.3-1 net-snmp net-tools 1.60-13 net6 1.3.5-1 netcfg 2.1.0_RC1-1 netgo 0.5-1 netkit-bsd-finger 0.17-3 netkit-ftp 0.17-6 netkit-telnet 0.17-8 netpbm 10.35-608 network-ups-tools 2.2.2-1 nfs-utils 1.1.0-4 nfsidmap 0.20-2 ngrep 1.45-4 ngspice r17-2 nmap 4.68-3 normalize 0.7.7-3 notification-daemon-xfce 0.3.7-2 nspr 4.7.1-1 nss 3.12-1 nss-mdns 0.10-1 ntp 4.2.4p4-6 obby 0.4.4-1 ocaml 3.10.2-2 offlineimap 6.0.3-1 ogmtools 1.5-1 openal 0.0.8-4 openbabel 2.2.0-1 openbox opencdk 0.6.6-1 openexr 1.4.0a-2 openjpeg 1.3-1 openldap 2.3.40-1 openldap-clients 2.3.40-1 openoffice-base 2.4.1-2 openoffice-pl 2.4.1-1 openoffice-spell-pl 20070213-1 openslp 1.2.1-1 openssh 5.0p1-2 openssl 0.9.8h-4 openvpn 2.0.9-4 openvpn-admin opera 9.52-1 orange 0.3.2-1 orbit2 2.14.14-1 oxine 0.7.1-1 p2c 1.21alpha2-3 pacman 3.2.1-1 pam 1.0.1-2 pam_ldap 184-1 pango 1.20.5-1 parted 1.8.8-2 patch 2.5.9-1 pciutils 3.0.0-2 pcmciautils 014-4 pcre 7.7-2 pdfedit 0.4.1-2 peacock 1.9.1-6 perl 5.10.0-4 perl-authen-sasl 2.10-3 perl-bit-vector 6.4-3 perl-carp-clan 5.10-1 perl-config-tiny 2.12-2 perl-date-calc 5.4-3 perl-date-manip 5.48-1 perl-digest-sha1 2.11-3 perl-error 0.17011-1 perl-file-find-rule 0.30-3 perl-file-tail 0.99.3-3 perl-io-socket-ssl 1.12-1 perl-locale-gettext 1.05-3 perl-mp3-info 1.23-2 perl-net-jabber 2.0-3 perl-net-ssleay 1.30-2 perl-net-xmpp 1.02-3 perl-number-compare 0.01-3 perl-passwd-md5 1.3-3 perl-string-shellquote 1.03-2 perl-text-glob 0.08-3 perl-text-iconv 1.7-2 perl-timedate 1.16-3 perl-uri 1.35-3 perl-xml-simple 2.18-2 perl-xml-stream 1.22-3 perl-xml-twig 3.32-2 perlxml 2.36-1 phonon 4.2.0-2 php 5.2.6-5 php-fileinfo 1.0.4-3 phun 3.5-1 pil 1.1.6-4 pilot-link 0.12.3-2 pinentry 0.7.5-3 pitivi 0.11.1-1 pixman 0.10.0-1 pkgconfig 0.23-1 plotutils 2.5-1 pm-utils pmount 0.9.13-4 poppler 0.8.6-1 poppler-glib 0.8.6-1 poppler-qt 0.8.6-1 poppler-qt3 0.8.6-1 popt 1.10.6-3 portmap 6.0-2 postgresql 8.3.3-1 postgresql-libs 8.3.3-2 povray 3.6.1-4 ppp 2.4.4-6 pptpclient 1.7.1-3 printproto 1.0.4-1 procinfo 19-3 procps 3.2.7-5 proftpd 1.3.1-2 prosper 1.5-2 psi 0.12-2 psmisc 22.6-2 pstoedit 3.45-2 psutils 1.17-1 pth 2.0.7-1 putty 0.60-1 pwgen 2.05-1 pycairo 1.4.12-1 pyclamav 0.4.0-1 pycrypto 2.0.1-2 pycups 1.9.40-1 pygobject 2.14.2-1 pygtk 2.12.1-1 pygtksourceview2 2.2.0-1 pyopenssl 0.7-1 pyorbit 2.14.3-1 pyqt 4.4.3-1 pyqt3 3.17.4-1 pyrex python 2.5.2-5 python-configobj 4.5.3-1 python-elementtree 1.2.6-2 python-gdata 1.1.1-1 python-lxml 2.1-1 python-mpd 0.2.1-1 python-notify 0.1.1-3 python-numeric 24.2-2 python-psycopg2 2.0.7-1 python-pychm 0.8.4-2 python-pysqlite 2.4.1-1 python-soappy 0.12.0-5 pyxdg 0.15-2 pyxml 0.8.4-3 qca 2.0.1-2 qca-qt3 1.0-1 qca-tls 1.0-5 qcad qemu 0.9.1-8 qemu-launcher 1.7.4-1 qemulator 0.5-2 qimageblitz 0.0.4-1 qiv 2.1pre12-1.1 qmpdclient 1.0.9-1 qscintilla 2.2-1 qscintilla-qt3 1.7.1-2 qstat 2.11-1 qsvn 0.7.0-1 qt 4.4.1-4 qt3 3.3.8-8 qtorrent 0.9.5-3 quota-tools 3.16-1 r 2.7.2-1 randrproto 1.2.2-1 raptor 1.4.18-1 rarcrack 0.2-1 rarian 0.8.0-2 rdesktop 1.6.0-2 readline 5.2-8 recode 3.6-2 recordmydesktop recordproto 1.13.2-1 redland 1.0.8-1 reiserfsprogs 3.6.20-3 renderproto 0.9.3-1 resourceproto 1.0.2-1 ristretto 0.0.20-2 rosegarden rp-pppoe 3.10-1 rpmextract 0-2 rpmunpack 0-1 rrdtool 1.2.27-1 rssh 2.3.2-2 rsync 3.0.3-1 rtorrent 0.7.9-1 ruby 1.8.7_p72-2 ruby-atk 0.16.0-1 ruby-gdkpixbuf2 0.16.0-1 ruby-glib2 0.16.0-1 ruby-gtk2 0.16.0-1 ruby-libglade 0.16.0-1 ruby-pango 0.16.0-1 ruby-rcairo 1.6.1-1 run-parts 2.30-1 rwhois-client 1.6.1-1 samba 3.0.31-1 sane 1.0.19-2 screen 4.0.3-6 scribus scrnsaverproto 1.1.0-2 sdl 1.2.13-1 sdl_gfx 2.0.16-1 sdl_image 1.2.6-2 sdl_mixer 1.2.8-2 sdl_net 1.2.7-2 sdl_sound 1.0.1-7 sdl_ttf 2.0.9-1 sdparm 1.02-2 seahorse 2.22.3-1 seamonkey 1.1.11-1 sed 4.1.5-3 setserial 2.17-2 setuptools 0.6c8-1 sfs 0.7.2-1 sg3_utils 1.25-1 shadow shared-mime-info 0.30-1 shorewall 4.0.13-1 shorewall-perl 4.0.13-1 showimg 0.9.5-6 sip 4.7.7-1 skype slang 2.1.3-2 slurm 0.3.3-1 smartmontools 5.38-1 smb4k 0.9.6-2 smbclient 3.0.31-2 smbnetfs 0.3.11a-1 smplayer 0.6.2-1 smplayer-themes 0.1.16-1 sonata 1.5.2-1 soprano 2.1.1-1 sox 14.0.0-2 speex 1.2rc1-1 spidermonkey 1.7.0-1 sqlite3 3.6.2-1 squeeze 0.2.3-2 squid 2.7.STABLE2-1 sshfs 1.9-1 sshguard 1.0-1 ssldump 0.9b3-6.1 startup-notification 0.9-1 strace 4.5.16-1 stress 1.0.0-1 strigi 0.5.11-1 stunnel 4.25-1 subversion 1.4.6-4 sudo 1.6.9p17-1 swatch 3.2.2-2 swt 3.3.2-1 synce-libsynce 0.12-1 sysfsutils 2.1.0-4 syslinux 3.60-1 syslog-ng 2.0.9-1 system-config-printer 1.0.6-1 sysvinit 2.86-4 t1lib 5.1.2-1 taglib 1.5-1 tagpy 0.94.5-2 tar 1.20-2 tcl 8.5.4-1 tcp_wrappers 7.6-8 tcpdump 3.9.8-1 tcpflow 0.21-1 tcsh 6.15.01-4 termcap-compat 1.2.3-4 terminal 0.2.8-3 tetex 3.0-4 texvc 20050202-1 tftp-hpa 0.48-1 thunar 0.9.0-2 thunar-archive-plugin 0.2.4-5 thunar-media-tags-plugin 0.1.2-5 thunar-volman 0.2.0-1 thunderbird thunderbird-i18n tidyhtml 1.37-2 tilda 0.9.6-1 tk 8.5.4-2 tls 1.5.0-3 toolame 02l-6 totem-plparser 2.22.3-1 totem-xine 2.22.2-3 tpctl 4.15-1 transcode 1.0.6rc1-2 transmission-cli 1.33-1 transmission-gtk 1.33-1 trapproto 3.4.3-1 tree ttf-apple-fonts 1.0-1 ttf-bitstream-vera 1.10-5 ttf-dejavu 2.26-1 ttf-gentium-basic 1.1-1 tunepimp 0.5.3-5 tuxoniceinitcpio 1-3 twisted 8.1.0-1 typespeed 0.6.4-1 tzdata 2008e-1 udev 119-1 umit 0.9.5RC1-1 umleditor 3.0.2-1 uniconvertor 1.1.2-1 unison 2.27.57-1 unixodbc 2.2.12-2 unoconv 0.3-1 unrar 3.8.2-1 unshield 0.5.1-1 unzip 5.52-4 usbutils 0.73-5 userui 0.7.2-2 util-linux-ng 2.14-1 valknut 0.3.10-1 vbetool 1.0-2 vconfig 1.9-1.1 versionpkg 0.7.6-1 verve-plugin 0.3.5-4 vi 7.1.330-1 videoproto 2.2.2-1 vim 7.1.330-1 vim-doxygentoolkit 0.1.17-1 vim-workspace 1.0b1-1 visualboyadvance 1.7.2-5 vnc 4.1.2-1 vorbis-tools 1.2.0-3 vsftpd 2.0.7-1 vte 0.16.14-2 vym 1.10.0-5 w3af beta6-1 wavpack 4.50.0-1 wdm 1.28-2 webalizer 2.01-5 wget 1.11.4-1 which 2.19-2 whois 4.7.24-1 windowmaker 0.92.0-4 wine 1.1.3-1 wireless_tools 29-2 wireshark 1.0.2-2 wlan-ng26-utils 0.2.9-1 wmii 3.6-1 wpa_supplicant 0.5.10-1 wpa_supplicant_gui 0.5.10-1 wput 0.6.1-2 wv 1.2.4-1 wv2 0.2.3-1 wxgtk 2.8.8-1 wxgtk-2.6 2.6.4-2 x264 20080625-1 xalan-java 2.7.1-2 xaralx 0.7r1785-2 xarchiver 0.4.6-6 xbitmaps 1.0.1-1 xcb-proto 1.1-1 xchm 1.14-1 xcmiscproto 1.1.2-1 xcompmgr 1.1.4-1 xcursor-archcursorblue 0.0.2-1 xcursor-chameleon-anthracite 0.5-2 xcursor-neutral 1.13a-4 xcursor-themes 1.0.1-1 xdg-utils 1.0.2-1 xdialog 2.3.1-1 xdm-archlinux 0.3-2 xerces2-java 2.9.1-2 xextproto 7.0.3-1 xf86-input-keyboard 1.3.1-1 xf86-input-mouse 1.3.0-1 xf86-video-apm 1.2.0-1 xf86-video-i810 1.7.4-10 xf86-video-vesa 1.3.0-6 xf86bigfontproto 1.1.2-1 xf86dgaproto 2.0.3-1 xf86driproto 2.0.4-1 xf86miscproto 0.9.2-1 xf86vidmodeproto 2.2.2-1 xfce-mcs-manager 4.4.2-1 xfce-mcs-plugins 4.4.2-2 xfce-utils 4.4.2-1 xfce4-appfinder 4.4.2-1 xfce4-artwork 0.1-5 xfce4-battery-plugin 0.5.0-5 xfce4-clipman-plugin 0.8.0-4 xfce4-cpufreq-plugin 0.0.1-6 xfce4-cpugraph-plugin 0.4.0-1 xfce4-datetime-plugin 0.5.0-4 xfce4-dev-tools xfce4-dict-plugin 0.2.1-5 xfce4-diskperf-plugin 2.1.0-4 xfce4-eyes-plugin 4.4.0-4 xfce4-finalorder-icon-theme 0.6-1 xfce4-fsguard-plugin 0.4.1-1 xfce4-genmon-plugin 3.1-4 xfce4-icon-theme 4.4.2-1 xfce4-mailwatch-plugin 1.0.1-6 xfce4-messenger-plugin 0.1.0-5 xfce4-mixer 4.4.2-2 xfce4-mount-plugin 0.5.4-2 xfce4-mpc-plugin 0.3.2-2 xfce4-netload-plugin 0.4.0-4 xfce4-notes-plugin 1.6.1-1 xfce4-panel 4.4.2-2 xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin 1.9.4-2 xfce4-screenshooter-plugin 1.0.0-5 xfce4-session 4.4.2-2 xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin 0.4.2-6 xfce4-systemload-plugin 0.4.2-4 xfce4-taskmanager 0.3.2-4 xfce4-time-out-plugin 0.1.1-2 xfce4-timer-plugin 0.6-1 xfce4-wavelan-plugin 0.5.4-4 xfce4-weather-plugin 0.6.2-1 xfce4-xfapplet-plugin 0.1.0-5 xfce4-xkb-plugin 0.4.3-4 xfce4-xmms-plugin 0.5.1-4 xfdesktop 4.4.2-3 xfmedia 0.9.2-3 xfmpc 0.0.5-1 xfprint 4.4.2-4 xfsdump 2.2.48-1 xfsprogs 2.9.8-1 xfwm4 4.4.2-3 xfwm4-themes 4.4.2-1 xgl xine-lib 1.1.15-2 xine-ui 0.99.5-4 xineramaproto 1.1.2-1 xinetd 2.3.14-3 xkeyboard-config 1.3-1 xlockmore 5.26.1-1 xmlsec 1.2.11-2 xorg 11R7.0-1 xorg-apps 1.0.3-3 xorg-font-utils 1.0.3-3 xorg-fonts-100dpi 1.0.1-1 xorg-fonts-75dpi 1.0.1-2 xorg-fonts-alias 1.0.1-1 xorg-fonts-encodings 1.0.2-2 xorg-fonts-misc 1.0.0-3 xorg-fonts-type1 7.3-1 xorg-res-utils 1.0.3-2 xorg-server 1.4.2-2 xorg-server-utils 7.3-1 xorg-util-macros 1.1.6-1 xorg-utils 7.3-1 xorg-xauth 1.0.3-1 xorg-xdm 1.1.8-1 xorg-xinit 1.1.0-1 xorg-xkb-utils 7.3-1 xosd 2.2.14-1 xosview 1.8.3-2 xpdf 3.02_pl2-1 xproto 7.0.13-1 xqf 1.0.5-2 xscreensaver 5.07-1 xsmbrowser 3.4.0-2 xterm 235-2 xtrans 1.2.1-1 xulrunner xvidcore 1.1.3-1 xzgv 0.9-1 yafray 0.0.9-2 yakuake 2.9.3-1 yelp 2.23.1-2 zebra 0.95a-2 zenity 2.22.1-1 zip 3.0-1 zlib zope-interface 3.4.1-1 zsh 4.3.5-2 zsi 2.0-2
Try installing xf86-video-intel instead of xf86-video-i810 and reconfigure Xorg. 2008/9/3 ert256 <ert256@gmail.com>:
Hello After upgrading to testing, my X server won't fire up it says in logs, that cannot load driver. Upgrade packages : boost-1.35.0-1 cracklib-2.8.12-1 inputproto-1.4.4-1 libdrm-2.3.1-1 libgl-7.1-2 intel-dri-7.1-2 jfsutils-1.1.13-1 libxau-1.0.4-1 xcb-proto-1.2-1 libxcb- libx11-1.1.4-3 mesa-7.1-1 miro-1.2.7-1 pcmciautils-015-1 pixman-0.11.8-1 sdparm-1.03-1 shadow- xf86-video-apm-1.2.0-2 xf86-video-vesa-2.0.0-2 xorg-server-
I cannot repeat this situation now, because it make my laptop unusable. What i can tell, i am sure in logs there was note 'symbol missing', but I cannot tell which. I am sure it was in i810 driver.
I've attached Xorg.conf and list of packages. Sory,for so less information. Bye
-- Rafał (ert16) Trójniak m@il : ert256@gmail.com Jid : ert256@gmail.com ert16@chrome.pl GPG key-ID : DD681D47 749F E1DC A58F 9084 BBC0 797A 0691 53D6 DD68 1D47
Section "ServerLayout" Identifier "X.org Configured" # Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0 Screen "Screen0" Screen "Screen_ext" RightOf "Screen0" InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer" InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard" Option "AIGLX" "true" EndSection
Section "Files" RgbPath "/usr/share/X11/rgb" ModulePath "/usr/lib/xorg/modules" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/TTF" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/Type1" EndSection
Section "Module" Load "xtrap" Load "dri" Load "glx" Load "extmod" Load "record" Load "dbe" Load "type1" Load "freetype" EndSection Section "dri" Mode 0666 EndSection
Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Keyboard0" Driver "kbd" Option "XkbRules" "xorg" Option "XkbModel" "pc104" Option "XkbLayout" "pl" EndSection
Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Mouse0" Driver "mouse" Option "Protocol" "auto" Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice" Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7" EndSection
Section "Monitor"
#DisplaySize 330 210 # mm Identifier "Monitor0" VendorName "CMO" ModelName "1526" ### Comment all HorizSync and VertRefresh values to use DDC: HorizSync 31.5 - 108.0 VertRefresh 50.0 - 80.0
EndSection Section "Monitor" Identifier "Monitor_ext" #HorizSync 30.0 - 96.0 #VertRefresh 50.0 - 160.0 #ModeLine "1280x1024" 157.5 1280 1344 1504 1728 1024 1025 1028 1072 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "1280x1024" 135.0 1280 1296 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "1024x768" 94.5 1024 1072 1168 1376 768 769 772 808 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "1024x768" 78.8 1024 1040 1136 1312 768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "1024x768" 65.0 1024 1048 1184 1344 768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync #ModeLine "800x600" 56.2 800 832 896 1048 600 601 604 631 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "800x600" 49.5 800 816 896 1056 600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "800x600" 50.0 800 856 976 1040 600 637 643 666 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "800x600" 40.0 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "640x480" 36.0 640 696 752 832 480 481 484 509 -hsync -vsync #ModeLine "640x480" 31.5 640 656 720 840 480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync #ModeLine "640x480" 25.2 640 648 744 784 480 482 484 509 -hsync -vsync #ModeLine "640x480" 43.2 640 680 744 848 480 481 484 509 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "768x576" 35.0 768 792 872 976 576 577 580 597 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "768x576" 42.9 768 800 880 992 576 577 580 601 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "768x576" 45.5 768 808 888 1008 576 577 580 602 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "768x576" 51.8 768 808 888 1008 576 577 580 605 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "768x576" 62.6 768 816 896 1024 576 577 580 611 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "800x600" 68.2 800 848 936 1072 600 601 604 636 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "1024x768" 113.3 1024 1096 1208 1392 768 769 772 814 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "1280x1024" 191.0 1280 1376 1520 1760 1024 1025 1028 1085 -hsync +vsync EndSection
Section "Device" ### Available Driver options are:- ### Values: <i>: integer, <f>: float, <bool>: "True"/"False", ### <string>: "String", <freq>: "<f> Hz/kHz/MHz" ### [arg]: arg optional #Option "NoAccel" # [<bool>] #Option "SWcursor" # [<bool>] #Option "ColorKey" # <i> #Option "CacheLines" # <i> #Option "Dac6Bit" # [<bool>] #Option "DRI" # [<bool>] #Option "NoDDC" # [<bool>] #Option "ShowCache" # [<bool>] #Option "XvMCSurfaces" # <i> #Option "PageFlip" # [<bool>] Identifier "Card0" Driver "i810" VendorName "Intel Corporation" BoardName "Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller" BusID "PCI:0:2:0" Option "MonitorLayout" "CRT,LFP" Screen 0 EndSection Section "Device" Identifier "Card1" Driver "i810" BusID "PCI:0:2:0" Option "MonitorLayout" "CRT2,LFP2" Screen 1 EndSection
Section "Screen" Identifier "Screen_ext" Device "Card1" Monitor "Monitor_ext" SubSection "Display" Viewport 0 0 Depth 24 Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" EndSubSection EndSection Section "Screen" Identifier "Screen0" Device "Card0" Monitor "Monitor0" EndSection
Section "Extensions" Option "Composite" "Enable" EndSection
915resolution 0.5.3-1 a2ps 4.13c-1 a52dec 0.7.4-4 aalib 1.4rc5-6 abs 2.2-1 acl 2.2.47-1 acpid 1.0.6-1 acpitool 0.4.7-2 acroread 8.1.2-1 aircrack 2.41-1 airsnort 0.2.7e-4 akonadi 1.0.0-1 alpine 1.10-3 alsa-lib 1.0.17a-1 alsa-oss 1.0.15-1 alsa-utils 1.0.17-1 alsaplayer 0.99.80-1 amyedit 1.0-3 antiright 3.6-2 antiword 0.37-1 apache 2.2.9-4 apache-ant 1.7.0-2 apmd 3.0.2-5 apr 1.3.2-2 apr-util 1.3.2-2 arandr-svn 97-4 arch-artwork 0.2.1-2 archlinux-menus 2.1-2 argouml 0.24-2 arpwatch 2.1a15-4 aspell 0.60.6-2 at 3.1.10-1 at-spi 1.22.1-1 aterm 1.0.1-1 atk 1.22.0-1 attr 2.4.41-1 audacious 1.5.1-1 audacious-docklet 0.1.1-5 audacious-itouch-control 0.1.1-1 audacious-plugins 1.5.1-1 audacity 1.3.5-1 audio-convert audiofile 0.2.6-3 aumix 2.8-1 autoconf 2.62-1 autocutsel 0.9.0-1 autogen 5.9.5-1 automake 1.10.1-2 autotrace 0.31.1-7 avahi 0.6.23-1 azureus bash 3.2.039-3 bc 1.06-5 bcprov 1.38-1 beep 1.2.2-1 bigreqsproto 1.0.2-1 bin86 0.16.17-3 bind 9.5.0-4 binutils 2.18-9 bison 2.3-4 blas 19980702-5 blender 2.46-1 bluez-libs 3.32-1 boost 1.34.1-2 bridge-utils 1.2-2 bzip2 1.0.5-3 ca-certificates 20080809-4 cairo 1.6.4-1 cairo-perl 1.060-1 cairomm 1.6.0-1 capseo 158-1 ccd2iso 0.3-4 ccmalloc 0.4.0-1 cdparanoia 10.1-1 cdrdao 1.2.2-2 cdrkit 1.1.8-1 chmlib 0.39-1 clamav 0.93.3-1 clamtk 3.08-3 cln 1.2.2-1 clucene 0.9.20-1 codecs 20071007-1 colortail 0.3.0-2 compositeproto 0.4-1 confuse 2.6-1 coreutils 6.12-1 cpio 2.9-3 cppunit 1.12.1-1 cpufreqd 2.2.1-2 cpufrequtils 004-1 cracklib 2.8.10-5 crunchyfrog 0.2.0-5 cryptsetup 1.0.6-1 csup 20060318-5 cups 1.3.8-2 cups-pdf 2.4.8-1 cupsddk 1.2.3-3 curl 7.18.2-1 cvs 1.11.23-2 cyrus-sasl 2.1.22-9 cyrus-sasl-plugins 2.1.22-7 damageproto 1.1.0-1 db 4.7.25-1 db4.1 4.1.25-2 db4.5 4.5.20-1 dbh 1.0.24-2 dbus 1.2.3-1 dbus-glib 0.76-1 dbus-python 0.83.0-1 dbus-qt3 0.62-3 dclib 0.3.10-1 dcron 3.2-3 ddd 3.3.11-4 denyhosts 2.6-3 desktop-file-utils 0.15-1 devhelp 0.19.1-2 device-mapper 1.02.24-1 dhclient 3.0.6-2 dhcp 3.1.1-1 dhcpcd 3.2.1-1 dialog 1.1_20080316-4 diffutils 2.8.1-5 dirmngr 1.0.2-1 dirsync 1.0.11-2 distcc 2.18.3-2 ditrack 0.7-3 dmapi 2.2.8-3 dmenu 3.4-1 dmidecode 2.9-2 dmraid 1.0.0.rc14-4 dmxproto 2.2.2-1 dnsmasq 2.45-1 dnsutils 9.5.0-4 docbook-xml 4.5-1 docbook-xsl 1.73.2-1 docutils 0.4-4 dosbox 0.72-4 dosfstools 2.11-2 doxygen 1.5.6-1 doxygenfilter 1.01-2 dsniff 2.4b1-11 dssi 0.9.1-3 dvd+rw-tools 7.1-1 dvgrab 3.1-1 dynamite 0.1.1-1 e2fsprogs 1.40.8-1 ebook-tools 0.1.1-1 ed 1.0-1 eel 2.22.2-1 eject 2.1.5-3 ekg 1.7-1 enchant 1.4.2-1 enlightenment epiphany 2.22.3-1 esd 0.2.39-1 etherape 0.9.7-3 ethtool 6-1 etracer 0.40-2 ettercap NG_0.7.3-10 evieext 1.0.2-1 evolution-data-server 2.22.3-2 exempi 2.0.1-2 exim 4.68-5 exiv2 0.17.1-1 exo 0.3.4-2 expat 2.0.1-1 expectk faac 1.26-1 faad2 2.6.1-1 fakeroot 1.9.5-1 fam 2.7.0-10 feh 1.3.4-3 ffmpeg 20080715-3 fftw 3.1.2-2 file 4.26-1 filelight 1.0-3 filesystem 2008.07-1 findutils 4.4.0-1 firefox 3.0.1-2 fixesproto 4.0-2 flac 1.2.1-1 flashplayer-standalone flashplugin flex 2.5.35-1 fltk 1.1.9-1 fluidsynth 1.0.8-1 fluxbox 1.0.0-1 fontcacheproto 0.1.2-1 fontconfig 2.6.0-2 fontsproto 2.0.2-1 foomatic-db 3.0_20080723-1 foomatic-db-engine 3.0_20080723-1 foomatic-db-hpijs 20080723-1 foomatic-filters 3.0_20080723-1 fortune-mod 1.99.1-3 fpconst 0.7.3-1 freeglut 2.4.0-3 freetype1 1.3.1-4 freetype2 2.3.7-1 fribidi 0.10.9-1 fuse 2.7.3-1 fwbuilder 2.1.17-1 fwlogwatch 1.1-1 gail 1.22.3-1 gawk 3.1.6-2 gc 7.0-2 gcc 4.3.2-1 gcc-libs 4.3.2-1 gconf 2.22.0-1 gd 2.0.35-1 gdb 6.8-3 gdbm 1.8.3-5 gdesklets 0.36.0-1 gdk-pixbuf 0.22.0-4 gdl 0.7.11-1 geany 0.14-3 geanyprj 0.3-1 geanyvc 0.3-1 gecko-mediaplayer 0.7.0-1 gecko-sharp 0.6-9 geda-libs 1.4.0-1 geda-suite 1.4.0-1 gen-init-cpio 2.6.17-3 geoip 1.4.4-1 gettext 0.17-2 gftp 2.0.18-3 ggz-client-libs ghex 2.22.0-1 ghostscript 8.63-3 giblib 1.2.4-3 giflib 4.1.6-3 gimageview 0.2.27-2 gimmix 0.4.3-1 gimp 2.4.6-1 gimp-dbp 1.1.7-1 gimp-fourier 0.3.1-1 gimp-gap 2.4.0-1 gimp-plugin-greycstoration 2.9-1 gimp-refocus 0.9.0-2 gimp-ufraw 0.13-3 git glade 3.5.2-1 glade-perl 1.006-2 glib 1.2.10-7 glib-perl 1.182-1 glib2 2.16.5-1 glibc 2.8-3 glibmm 2.16.4-2 glitz 0.5.6-1 glob2 0.9.3-1 glproto 1.4.9-1 gmp 4.2.2-2 gmpc gnochm 0.9.11-2 gnome-applets 2.22.3-1 gnome-backgrounds 2.22.0-1 gnome-build 0.2.4-1 gnome-control-center gnome-desktop 2.22.3-1 gnome-doc-utils 0.12.2-1 gnome-icon-theme 2.22.0-1 gnome-keyring 2.22.3-1 gnome-media 2.22.0-2 gnome-menus 2.22.2-1 gnome-mime-data 2.18.0-3 gnome-mount 0.8-1 gnome-mplayer 0.7.0-1 gnome-panel 2.22.2-1 gnome-python 2.22.1-1 gnome-python-desktop 2.22.0-1 gnome-python-extras 2.19.1-2 gnome-session 2.22.3-1 gnome-settings-daemon gnome-spell 1.0.8-1 gnome-terminal 2.22.3-1 gnome-themes 2.22.2-1 gnome-vfs 2.22.0-4 gnome2-user-docs 2.22.1-1 gnonlin 0.10.9-1 gnu-netcat 0.7.1-2 gnump3d 3.0-2 gnupg 1.4.9-1 gnupg2 2.0.9-1 gnuplot 4.2.3-2 gnutls 2.4.1-3 gobby 0.4.5-1 google-hacks 0.1-1 gpa 0.7.6-1 gpg-crypter 0.3.5-3 gpgme 1.1.6-1 gpm 1.20.5-2 gps 1.1.0-1 gqview 2.0.4-1 graphviz 2.20.2-1 grep 2.5.3-3 groff 1.19.2-4 grub 0.97-13 gsfonts 8.11-4 gsl 1.11-1 gspcav1 1.00.20-7 gspiceui 0.9.55-1 gstreamer0.10 0.10.20-1 gstreamer0.10-base 0.10.20-1 gstreamer0.10-base-plugins 0.10.20-1 gstreamer0.10-good 0.10.8-1 gstreamer0.10-good-plugins 0.10.8-4 gstreamer0.10-python 0.10.12-1 gthumb 2.10.8-1 gtk 1.2.10-8 gtk-doc 1.10-1 gtk-engines 2.14.3-1 gtk-fortune 0.1.1-1 gtk-sharp 1.0.10-6 gtk-sharp-2 2.12.1-1 gtk-xfce-engine 2.4.2-1 gtk2 2.12.11-3 gtk2-perl 1.182-1 gtkam 0.1.15-1 gtkglarea 1.2.3-2 gtkhtml 3.18.3-1 gtklp 1.2.6-4 gtkmm 2.12.7-1 gtkpod 0.99.12-1 gtksourceview 1.8.5-2 gtksourceview2 2.2.2-1 gtkspell 2.0.13-1 gucharmap 2.22.3-1 guile 1.8.4-3 guile-gtk 1.2_0.60-1 gvfs 0.2.5-2 gvim 7.1.330-1 gzip 1.3.12-4 hal 0.5.11-1 hal-cups-utils 0.6.13-1 hal-info 0.20080508-1 hd2u 1.0.1-1 hddtemp 0.3.beta15.38-1 hdparm 8.9-1 hedgewars 0.9.6-1 heimdal 1.2-2 hexcurse 1.55-2 hexedit 1.2.12-2 hibernate-script 1.99-1 hicolor-icon-theme 0.10-1 hping 2.0.0-2 hplip 2.8.7-2 hpoj 0.91-12 hsqldb-java hunspell 1.2.6-1 hwdetect 0.9-1 icecast 2.3.1-5 icon-naming-utils 0.8.7-1 icon-slicer 0.3-2 icu 4.0-1 id3lib 3.8.3-10 ifenslave 1.1.0-3 imagemagick imap 2007a-2 imlib 1.9.15-4 imlib2 1.4.1-1 indilib 0.5-1 indywiki 0.9.8-1 initscripts 2008.08-1 inkscape 0.46-6 inotail 0.5-3 inputproto 1.4.3-1 intel-dri 7.0.3-1 interlis-compiler 3.6.5-1 intltool 0.40.3-1 iperf 2.0.2-2 iproute 2.6.25-1 iptables 1.4.0-2 iptraf 3.0.0-2 iputils 20070202-4 ipvsadm 1.24-1 irda-utils 0.9.18-1 irssi 0.8.12-4 iso-codes 2.0-1 ispell 3.3.02-3 jack-audio-connection-kit 0.109.2-2 jacman 0.4-2 jade 1.2.1-5 jasper 1.900.1-1 jdk 6u7-1 jfsutils 1.1.12-2 jhead 2.82-1 john jpdftweak 0.9-1 jre 6u7-1 k3b 1.0.5-1 kadu kbd kbproto 1.0.3-1 kchmviewer 3.1-3 kde-l10n-pl 4.1.1-1 kdeaccessibility 4.1.1-1 kdeadmin 4.1.1-1 kdeartwork 4.1.1-1 kdebase 4.1.1-2 kdebase-runtime 4.1.1-1 kdebase-workspace 4.1.1-1 kdebindings 4.1.1-1 kdeedu 4.1.1-1 kdegames 4.1.1-1 kdegraphics 4.1.1-1 kdelibs 4.1.1-2 kdelibs3 3.5.10-1 kdemultimedia 4.1.1-1 kdepimlibs 4.1.1-1 kdeplasma-addons 4.1.1-1 kdesdk 4.1.1-1 kdetoys 4.1.1-1 kdeutils 4.1.1-1 kdewebdev 4.1.1-1 kernel-headers kernel26 kernel26-xen 2.6.22-11 kernel26suspend2 kid3 1.0-2 kismet 2007_10_R1-2 kiwi 1.9.22-1 klibc 1.5-6 klibc-extras 2.4-2 klibc-kbd 1.15.20080312-6 klibc-module-init-tools 3.4-1 klibc-udev 116-4 klogwatch 2.0.3-1 kmplayer 0.11.0-2 koffice 1.6.3-4 kqemu 1.3.0pre11-22 kqemu-suspend2 1.3.0pre11-3 ktorrent 3.1.2-1 ladspa 1.13-1 lame 3.98-2 lapack 3.1.1-3 laptop-mode-tools 1.42-1 latex2html 2002.2.1-1 latex2rtf 1.9.19-1 lcms 1.17-2 less 418-1 lesstif 0.95.0-2 libao 0.8.8-2 libarchive 2.5.5-1 libart-lgpl 2.3.20-1 libassuan 1.0.5-1 libavc1394 0.5.3-1 libbeagle libbonobo 2.22.0-1 libbonoboui 2.22.0-1 libcap 1.10-2 libcaptury 158-1 libcddb 1.3.0-3 libcdio 0.80-3 libcroco 0.6.1-1 libcups 1.3.8-2 libdaemon 0.12-1 libdatrie 0.1.2-1 libdjvu 3.5.20-1 libdmx 1.0.2-1 libdnet 1.12-1 libdownload 1.3-1 libdrm 2.3.0-1 libdv 1.0.0-1 libdvdnav 0.1.10-3 libdvdread 0.9.7-1 libelf 0.8.10-3 libepc 0.3.5-2 libevent 1.3e-1 libexif 0.6.16-1 libexif-gtk 0.3.5-8 libfontenc 1.0.4-1 libfwbuilder 2.1.17-1 libgcrypt 1.4.1-1 libgda 1.2.4-4 libgdiplus 1.9-1 libggz libgl 7.0.3-2 libglade 2.6.2-1 libglademm 2.6.6-1 libgnome 2.22.0-1 libgnomecanvas libgnomecups 0.2.3-3 libgnomedb 1.2.2-6 libgnomekbd 2.22.0-2 libgnomeprint 2.18.3-3 libgnomeprintui 2.18.2-1 libgnomeui 2.22.01-1 libgpg-error 1.6-1 libgphoto2 2.4.2-1 libgpod 0.6.0-2 libgsf 1.14.8-1 libgtkhtml 2.11.1-1 libgtop 2.22.3-1 libgweather 2.22.3-1 libice 1.0.4-1 libid3tag 0.15.1b-2 libidl2 0.8.11-1 libidn 1.0-1 libiec61883 1.1.0-1 libieee1284 0.2.11-1 libipoddevice 0.5.3-1 libixp 0.4-1 libjpeg 6b-4 libkexif 0.2.5-1 libkipi 0.1.6-2 libksba 1.0.3-1 liblbxutil 1.0.1-1 libldap 2.3.40-1 liblo 0.23-1 liblrdf 0.4.0-5 libmad 0.15.1b-2 libmal 0.44-1 libmcrypt 2.5.8-1 libmcs 0.7.1-1 libmikmod 3.1.12-1 libmng 1.0.10-1 libmowgli 0.7.0-1 libmp4v2 1.6-1 libmpcdec 1.2.6-1 libmpd 0.15.0-1 libmpeg2 0.5.1-1 libmysqlclient 5.0.60-1 libnet libnetworkmanager 0.6.6-1 libnl 1.1-1 libnotify 0.4.4-2 libnova 0.12.1-1 libofa 0.9.3-1 libogg 1.1.3-1 liboil 0.3.14-1 libopensync 0.22-1 libpcap 0.9.8-2 libpcapnav 0.8-2 libpciaccess 0.10.3-1 libpng 1.2.31-1 libpqxx 2.6.9-1 libqalculate 0.9.6-4 libraw1394 1.3.0-1 librsvg 2.22.2-1 libsamplerate 0.1.4-1 libsasl 2.1.22-7 libsexy 0.1.11-1 libshout 2.2.2-2 libsidplay 1.36.59-2 libsigc++2.0 2.2.2-1 libsm 1.1.0-1 libsmbios 2.0.2-1 libsndfile 1.0.17-2 libsoup 2.4.1-2 libspectre 0.2.0-1 libstatgrab 0.16-1 libstdc++5 3.3.6-2 libtasn1 1.4-1 libthai 0.1.9-1 libtheora 1.0beta1-1 libtiff 3.8.2-3 libtool 2.2.4-1 libtorrent 0.11.9-1 libtracker 0.6.6-1 libusb 0.1.12-3 libvisual 0.4.0-1 libvorbis 1.2.0-1 libwmf libwnck 2.22.3-1 libwpd 0.8.14-1 libx11 1.1.4-2 libx86 0.99-1 libxau 1.0.3-1 libxaw 1.0.4-1 libxcb 1.1-1 libxcomposite 0.4.0-1 libxcursor 1.1.9-1 libxdamage 1.1.1-1 libxdmcp 1.0.2-1 libxevie 1.0.2-1 libxext 1.0.4-1 libxfce4mcs 4.4.2-1 libxfce4util 4.4.2-1 libxfcegui4 4.4.2-1 libxfixes 4.0.3-1 libxfont 1.3.3-1 libxfontcache 1.0.4-1 libxft 2.1.13-1 libxi 1.1.3-1 libxinerama 1.0.3-1 libxkbfile 1.0.5-1 libxkbui 1.0.2-1 libxklavier 3.6-1 libxmi 1.2-1 libxml++2 2.22.0-1 libxml2 2.6.32-2 libxmu 1.0.4-1 libxp 1.0.0-2 libxpm 3.5.7-1 libxrandr 1.2.3-1 libxrender 0.9.4-1 libxres 1.0.3-1 libxslt 1.1.24-1 libxss 1.1.3-1 libxt 1.0.5-1 libxtrap 1.0.0-2 libxtst 1.0.3-1 libxv 1.0.4-1 libxvmc 1.0.4-1 libxxf86dga 1.0.2-1 libxxf86misc 1.0.1-1 libxxf86vm 1.0.2-1 libzip 0.8-1 licenses 2.4-1 liferea 1.4.18-2 lilo 22.8-2 links 2.2-2 lirc-utils 0.8.3-1 lm_sensors 3.0.2-2 logrotate 3.7.5-1 logwatch 7.3.6-1 lshwd 1.1.3-5 lsof 4.80-1 lua 5.1.4-2 lvm2 2.02.36-1 lynx 2.8.6-2 lzo 1.08-4 lzo2 2.02-3 m4 1.4.11-1 mailx 8.1.1-5 make 3.81-3 makepasswd 1.10-2 man 1.6f-2 man-pages 3.08-1 mbrowse 0.3.1-2 mc 4.6.1-5 mcpp 2.6.4-2 mdadm 2.6.7-1 memprof 0.6-2 mesa 7.0.3-3 metacity 2.22.0-1 mime-types 1.0-1 minicom 2.3-2 miro 1.2.4-1 mjpegtools 1.8.0-3 mkinitcpio 0.5.19-1 moc 2.4.3-4 module-init-tools 3.4-1 monica 3.7-1 mono 1.9.1-1 motion mousepad 0.2.13-1 mozilla-common 1.2-1 mp32ogg 0.11-3 mpc 0.12.1-3 mpd 0.13.2-1 mpfr 2.3.1-1 mpg123 1.5.0-1 mpgtx 1.3.1-1 mplayer 1.0rc2-6 mplayer-plugin 3.55-1 mrtg 2.15.2-1 mtools 3.9.11-1 mtr 0.72-2 multitail 5.2.2-2 muse 0.8.1-2 musicbrainz 2.1.5-1 mutagen 1.14-1 mutt 1.5.18-1 myodbc 3.51.26-1 mysql 5.0.60-1 mysql-clients 5.0.60-2 mysql-gui-tools 5.0r12-2 mysql-python 1.2.2-1 mysqlcc 0.9.8-3 nagios-nrpe 2.11-1 namcap 2.1-1 nano 2.0.8-3 nas 1.9.1-2 nautilus ncftp 3.2.1-2 ncmpc 0.11.1-5 ncurses 5.6-8 ndiswrapper 1.53-1 ndiswrapper-suspend2 1.47-1 ndiswrapper-utils 1.53-1 nemesis 1.4-1 neon 0.28.3-1 net-snmp net-tools 1.60-13 net6 1.3.5-1 netcfg 2.1.0_RC1-1 netgo 0.5-1 netkit-bsd-finger 0.17-3 netkit-ftp 0.17-6 netkit-telnet 0.17-8 netpbm 10.35-608 network-ups-tools 2.2.2-1 nfs-utils 1.1.0-4 nfsidmap 0.20-2 ngrep 1.45-4 ngspice r17-2 nmap 4.68-3 normalize 0.7.7-3 notification-daemon-xfce 0.3.7-2 nspr 4.7.1-1 nss 3.12-1 nss-mdns 0.10-1 ntp 4.2.4p4-6 obby 0.4.4-1 ocaml 3.10.2-2 offlineimap 6.0.3-1 ogmtools 1.5-1 openal 0.0.8-4 openbabel 2.2.0-1 openbox opencdk 0.6.6-1 openexr 1.4.0a-2 openjpeg 1.3-1 openldap 2.3.40-1 openldap-clients 2.3.40-1 openoffice-base 2.4.1-2 openoffice-pl 2.4.1-1 openoffice-spell-pl 20070213-1 openslp 1.2.1-1 openssh 5.0p1-2 openssl 0.9.8h-4 openvpn 2.0.9-4 openvpn-admin opera 9.52-1 orange 0.3.2-1 orbit2 2.14.14-1 oxine 0.7.1-1 p2c 1.21alpha2-3 pacman 3.2.1-1 pam 1.0.1-2 pam_ldap 184-1 pango 1.20.5-1 parted 1.8.8-2 patch 2.5.9-1 pciutils 3.0.0-2 pcmciautils 014-4 pcre 7.7-2 pdfedit 0.4.1-2 peacock 1.9.1-6 perl 5.10.0-4 perl-authen-sasl 2.10-3 perl-bit-vector 6.4-3 perl-carp-clan 5.10-1 perl-config-tiny 2.12-2 perl-date-calc 5.4-3 perl-date-manip 5.48-1 perl-digest-sha1 2.11-3 perl-error 0.17011-1 perl-file-find-rule 0.30-3 perl-file-tail 0.99.3-3 perl-io-socket-ssl 1.12-1 perl-locale-gettext 1.05-3 perl-mp3-info 1.23-2 perl-net-jabber 2.0-3 perl-net-ssleay 1.30-2 perl-net-xmpp 1.02-3 perl-number-compare 0.01-3 perl-passwd-md5 1.3-3 perl-string-shellquote 1.03-2 perl-text-glob 0.08-3 perl-text-iconv 1.7-2 perl-timedate 1.16-3 perl-uri 1.35-3 perl-xml-simple 2.18-2 perl-xml-stream 1.22-3 perl-xml-twig 3.32-2 perlxml 2.36-1 phonon 4.2.0-2 php 5.2.6-5 php-fileinfo 1.0.4-3 phun 3.5-1 pil 1.1.6-4 pilot-link 0.12.3-2 pinentry 0.7.5-3 pitivi 0.11.1-1 pixman 0.10.0-1 pkgconfig 0.23-1 plotutils 2.5-1 pm-utils pmount 0.9.13-4 poppler 0.8.6-1 poppler-glib 0.8.6-1 poppler-qt 0.8.6-1 poppler-qt3 0.8.6-1 popt 1.10.6-3 portmap 6.0-2 postgresql 8.3.3-1 postgresql-libs 8.3.3-2 povray 3.6.1-4 ppp 2.4.4-6 pptpclient 1.7.1-3 printproto 1.0.4-1 procinfo 19-3 procps 3.2.7-5 proftpd 1.3.1-2 prosper 1.5-2 psi 0.12-2 psmisc 22.6-2 pstoedit 3.45-2 psutils 1.17-1 pth 2.0.7-1 putty 0.60-1 pwgen 2.05-1 pycairo 1.4.12-1 pyclamav 0.4.0-1 pycrypto 2.0.1-2 pycups 1.9.40-1 pygobject 2.14.2-1 pygtk 2.12.1-1 pygtksourceview2 2.2.0-1 pyopenssl 0.7-1 pyorbit 2.14.3-1 pyqt 4.4.3-1 pyqt3 3.17.4-1 pyrex python 2.5.2-5 python-configobj 4.5.3-1 python-elementtree 1.2.6-2 python-gdata 1.1.1-1 python-lxml 2.1-1 python-mpd 0.2.1-1 python-notify 0.1.1-3 python-numeric 24.2-2 python-psycopg2 2.0.7-1 python-pychm 0.8.4-2 python-pysqlite 2.4.1-1 python-soappy 0.12.0-5 pyxdg 0.15-2 pyxml 0.8.4-3 qca 2.0.1-2 qca-qt3 1.0-1 qca-tls 1.0-5 qcad qemu 0.9.1-8 qemu-launcher 1.7.4-1 qemulator 0.5-2 qimageblitz 0.0.4-1 qiv 2.1pre12-1.1 qmpdclient 1.0.9-1 qscintilla 2.2-1 qscintilla-qt3 1.7.1-2 qstat 2.11-1 qsvn 0.7.0-1 qt 4.4.1-4 qt3 3.3.8-8 qtorrent 0.9.5-3 quota-tools 3.16-1 r 2.7.2-1 randrproto 1.2.2-1 raptor 1.4.18-1 rarcrack 0.2-1 rarian 0.8.0-2 rdesktop 1.6.0-2 readline 5.2-8 recode 3.6-2 recordmydesktop recordproto 1.13.2-1 redland 1.0.8-1 reiserfsprogs 3.6.20-3 renderproto 0.9.3-1 resourceproto 1.0.2-1 ristretto 0.0.20-2 rosegarden rp-pppoe 3.10-1 rpmextract 0-2 rpmunpack 0-1 rrdtool 1.2.27-1 rssh 2.3.2-2 rsync 3.0.3-1 rtorrent 0.7.9-1 ruby 1.8.7_p72-2 ruby-atk 0.16.0-1 ruby-gdkpixbuf2 0.16.0-1 ruby-glib2 0.16.0-1 ruby-gtk2 0.16.0-1 ruby-libglade 0.16.0-1 ruby-pango 0.16.0-1 ruby-rcairo 1.6.1-1 run-parts 2.30-1 rwhois-client 1.6.1-1 samba 3.0.31-1 sane 1.0.19-2 screen 4.0.3-6 scribus scrnsaverproto 1.1.0-2 sdl 1.2.13-1 sdl_gfx 2.0.16-1 sdl_image 1.2.6-2 sdl_mixer 1.2.8-2 sdl_net 1.2.7-2 sdl_sound 1.0.1-7 sdl_ttf 2.0.9-1 sdparm 1.02-2 seahorse 2.22.3-1 seamonkey 1.1.11-1 sed 4.1.5-3 setserial 2.17-2 setuptools 0.6c8-1 sfs 0.7.2-1 sg3_utils 1.25-1 shadow shared-mime-info 0.30-1 shorewall 4.0.13-1 shorewall-perl 4.0.13-1 showimg 0.9.5-6 sip 4.7.7-1 skype slang 2.1.3-2 slurm 0.3.3-1 smartmontools 5.38-1 smb4k 0.9.6-2 smbclient 3.0.31-2 smbnetfs 0.3.11a-1 smplayer 0.6.2-1 smplayer-themes 0.1.16-1 sonata 1.5.2-1 soprano 2.1.1-1 sox 14.0.0-2 speex 1.2rc1-1 spidermonkey 1.7.0-1 sqlite3 3.6.2-1 squeeze 0.2.3-2 squid 2.7.STABLE2-1 sshfs 1.9-1 sshguard 1.0-1 ssldump 0.9b3-6.1 startup-notification 0.9-1 strace 4.5.16-1 stress 1.0.0-1 strigi 0.5.11-1 stunnel 4.25-1 subversion 1.4.6-4 sudo 1.6.9p17-1 swatch 3.2.2-2 swt 3.3.2-1 synce-libsynce 0.12-1 sysfsutils 2.1.0-4 syslinux 3.60-1 syslog-ng 2.0.9-1 system-config-printer 1.0.6-1 sysvinit 2.86-4 t1lib 5.1.2-1 taglib 1.5-1 tagpy 0.94.5-2 tar 1.20-2 tcl 8.5.4-1 tcp_wrappers 7.6-8 tcpdump 3.9.8-1 tcpflow 0.21-1 tcsh 6.15.01-4 termcap-compat 1.2.3-4 terminal 0.2.8-3 tetex 3.0-4 texvc 20050202-1 tftp-hpa 0.48-1 thunar 0.9.0-2 thunar-archive-plugin 0.2.4-5 thunar-media-tags-plugin 0.1.2-5 thunar-volman 0.2.0-1 thunderbird thunderbird-i18n tidyhtml 1.37-2 tilda 0.9.6-1 tk 8.5.4-2 tls 1.5.0-3 toolame 02l-6 totem-plparser 2.22.3-1 totem-xine 2.22.2-3 tpctl 4.15-1 transcode 1.0.6rc1-2 transmission-cli 1.33-1 transmission-gtk 1.33-1 trapproto 3.4.3-1 tree ttf-apple-fonts 1.0-1 ttf-bitstream-vera 1.10-5 ttf-dejavu 2.26-1 ttf-gentium-basic 1.1-1 tunepimp 0.5.3-5 tuxoniceinitcpio 1-3 twisted 8.1.0-1 typespeed 0.6.4-1 tzdata 2008e-1 udev 119-1 umit 0.9.5RC1-1 umleditor 3.0.2-1 uniconvertor 1.1.2-1 unison 2.27.57-1 unixodbc 2.2.12-2 unoconv 0.3-1 unrar 3.8.2-1 unshield 0.5.1-1 unzip 5.52-4 usbutils 0.73-5 userui 0.7.2-2 util-linux-ng 2.14-1 valknut 0.3.10-1 vbetool 1.0-2 vconfig 1.9-1.1 versionpkg 0.7.6-1 verve-plugin 0.3.5-4 vi 7.1.330-1 videoproto 2.2.2-1 vim 7.1.330-1 vim-doxygentoolkit 0.1.17-1 vim-workspace 1.0b1-1 visualboyadvance 1.7.2-5 vnc 4.1.2-1 vorbis-tools 1.2.0-3 vsftpd 2.0.7-1 vte 0.16.14-2 vym 1.10.0-5 w3af beta6-1 wavpack 4.50.0-1 wdm 1.28-2 webalizer 2.01-5 wget 1.11.4-1 which 2.19-2 whois 4.7.24-1 windowmaker 0.92.0-4 wine 1.1.3-1 wireless_tools 29-2 wireshark 1.0.2-2 wlan-ng26-utils 0.2.9-1 wmii 3.6-1 wpa_supplicant 0.5.10-1 wpa_supplicant_gui 0.5.10-1 wput 0.6.1-2 wv 1.2.4-1 wv2 0.2.3-1 wxgtk 2.8.8-1 wxgtk-2.6 2.6.4-2 x264 20080625-1 xalan-java 2.7.1-2 xaralx 0.7r1785-2 xarchiver 0.4.6-6 xbitmaps 1.0.1-1 xcb-proto 1.1-1 xchm 1.14-1 xcmiscproto 1.1.2-1 xcompmgr 1.1.4-1 xcursor-archcursorblue 0.0.2-1 xcursor-chameleon-anthracite 0.5-2 xcursor-neutral 1.13a-4 xcursor-themes 1.0.1-1 xdg-utils 1.0.2-1 xdialog 2.3.1-1 xdm-archlinux 0.3-2 xerces2-java 2.9.1-2 xextproto 7.0.3-1 xf86-input-keyboard 1.3.1-1 xf86-input-mouse 1.3.0-1 xf86-video-apm 1.2.0-1 xf86-video-i810 1.7.4-10 xf86-video-vesa 1.3.0-6 xf86bigfontproto 1.1.2-1 xf86dgaproto 2.0.3-1 xf86driproto 2.0.4-1 xf86miscproto 0.9.2-1 xf86vidmodeproto 2.2.2-1 xfce-mcs-manager 4.4.2-1 xfce-mcs-plugins 4.4.2-2 xfce-utils 4.4.2-1 xfce4-appfinder 4.4.2-1 xfce4-artwork 0.1-5 xfce4-battery-plugin 0.5.0-5 xfce4-clipman-plugin 0.8.0-4 xfce4-cpufreq-plugin 0.0.1-6 xfce4-cpugraph-plugin 0.4.0-1 xfce4-datetime-plugin 0.5.0-4 xfce4-dev-tools xfce4-dict-plugin 0.2.1-5 xfce4-diskperf-plugin 2.1.0-4 xfce4-eyes-plugin 4.4.0-4 xfce4-finalorder-icon-theme 0.6-1 xfce4-fsguard-plugin 0.4.1-1 xfce4-genmon-plugin 3.1-4 xfce4-icon-theme 4.4.2-1 xfce4-mailwatch-plugin 1.0.1-6 xfce4-messenger-plugin 0.1.0-5 xfce4-mixer 4.4.2-2 xfce4-mount-plugin 0.5.4-2 xfce4-mpc-plugin 0.3.2-2 xfce4-netload-plugin 0.4.0-4 xfce4-notes-plugin 1.6.1-1 xfce4-panel 4.4.2-2 xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin 1.9.4-2 xfce4-screenshooter-plugin 1.0.0-5 xfce4-session 4.4.2-2 xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin 0.4.2-6 xfce4-systemload-plugin 0.4.2-4 xfce4-taskmanager 0.3.2-4 xfce4-time-out-plugin 0.1.1-2 xfce4-timer-plugin 0.6-1 xfce4-wavelan-plugin 0.5.4-4 xfce4-weather-plugin 0.6.2-1 xfce4-xfapplet-plugin 0.1.0-5 xfce4-xkb-plugin 0.4.3-4 xfce4-xmms-plugin 0.5.1-4 xfdesktop 4.4.2-3 xfmedia 0.9.2-3 xfmpc 0.0.5-1 xfprint 4.4.2-4 xfsdump 2.2.48-1 xfsprogs 2.9.8-1 xfwm4 4.4.2-3 xfwm4-themes 4.4.2-1 xgl xine-lib 1.1.15-2 xine-ui 0.99.5-4 xineramaproto 1.1.2-1 xinetd 2.3.14-3 xkeyboard-config 1.3-1 xlockmore 5.26.1-1 xmlsec 1.2.11-2 xorg 11R7.0-1 xorg-apps 1.0.3-3 xorg-font-utils 1.0.3-3 xorg-fonts-100dpi 1.0.1-1 xorg-fonts-75dpi 1.0.1-2 xorg-fonts-alias 1.0.1-1 xorg-fonts-encodings 1.0.2-2 xorg-fonts-misc 1.0.0-3 xorg-fonts-type1 7.3-1 xorg-res-utils 1.0.3-2 xorg-server 1.4.2-2 xorg-server-utils 7.3-1 xorg-util-macros 1.1.6-1 xorg-utils 7.3-1 xorg-xauth 1.0.3-1 xorg-xdm 1.1.8-1 xorg-xinit 1.1.0-1 xorg-xkb-utils 7.3-1 xosd 2.2.14-1 xosview 1.8.3-2 xpdf 3.02_pl2-1 xproto 7.0.13-1 xqf 1.0.5-2 xscreensaver 5.07-1 xsmbrowser 3.4.0-2 xterm 235-2 xtrans 1.2.1-1 xulrunner xvidcore 1.1.3-1 xzgv 0.9-1 yafray 0.0.9-2 yakuake 2.9.3-1 yelp 2.23.1-2 zebra 0.95a-2 zenity 2.22.1-1 zip 3.0-1 zlib zope-interface 3.4.1-1 zsh 4.3.5-2 zsi 2.0-2
-- Gustavo Andrés Gómez Farhat
It works,but width the same configuration, i haven't had a acceleration, and there was no second display. But... it works... width intel driver. Thank You for help, I'll wait some time till go back to testing. [ 04.09.2008 01:04 ], Gustavo A. Gómez Farhat :
Try installing xf86-video-intel instead of xf86-video-i810 and reconfigure Xorg.
2008/9/3 ert256 <ert256@gmail.com>:
Hello After upgrading to testing, my X server won't fire up it says in logs, that cannot load driver. Upgrade packages : boost-1.35.0-1 cracklib-2.8.12-1 inputproto-1.4.4-1 libdrm-2.3.1-1 libgl-7.1-2 intel-dri-7.1-2 jfsutils-1.1.13-1 libxau-1.0.4-1 xcb-proto-1.2-1 libxcb- libx11-1.1.4-3 mesa-7.1-1 miro-1.2.7-1 pcmciautils-015-1 pixman-0.11.8-1 sdparm-1.03-1 shadow- xf86-video-apm-1.2.0-2 xf86-video-vesa-2.0.0-2 xorg-server-
I cannot repeat this situation now, because it make my laptop unusable. What i can tell, i am sure in logs there was note 'symbol missing', but I cannot tell which. I am sure it was in i810 driver.
I've attached Xorg.conf and list of packages. Sory,for so less information. Bye
-- Rafał (ert16) Trójniak m@il : ert256@gmail.com Jid : ert256@gmail.com ert16@chrome.pl GPG key-ID : DD681D47 749F E1DC A58F 9084 BBC0 797A 0691 53D6 DD68 1D47
Section "ServerLayout" Identifier "X.org Configured" # Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0 Screen "Screen0" Screen "Screen_ext" RightOf "Screen0" InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer" InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard" Option "AIGLX" "true" EndSection
Section "Files" RgbPath "/usr/share/X11/rgb" ModulePath "/usr/lib/xorg/modules" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/TTF" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/Type1" EndSection
Section "Module" Load "xtrap" Load "dri" Load "glx" Load "extmod" Load "record" Load "dbe" Load "type1" Load "freetype" EndSection Section "dri" Mode 0666 EndSection
Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Keyboard0" Driver "kbd" Option "XkbRules" "xorg" Option "XkbModel" "pc104" Option "XkbLayout" "pl" EndSection
Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Mouse0" Driver "mouse" Option "Protocol" "auto" Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice" Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7" EndSection
Section "Monitor"
#DisplaySize 330 210 # mm Identifier "Monitor0" VendorName "CMO" ModelName "1526" ### Comment all HorizSync and VertRefresh values to use DDC: HorizSync 31.5 - 108.0 VertRefresh 50.0 - 80.0
EndSection Section "Monitor" Identifier "Monitor_ext" #HorizSync 30.0 - 96.0 #VertRefresh 50.0 - 160.0 #ModeLine "1280x1024" 157.5 1280 1344 1504 1728 1024 1025 1028 1072 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "1280x1024" 135.0 1280 1296 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "1024x768" 94.5 1024 1072 1168 1376 768 769 772 808 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "1024x768" 78.8 1024 1040 1136 1312 768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "1024x768" 65.0 1024 1048 1184 1344 768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync #ModeLine "800x600" 56.2 800 832 896 1048 600 601 604 631 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "800x600" 49.5 800 816 896 1056 600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "800x600" 50.0 800 856 976 1040 600 637 643 666 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "800x600" 40.0 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync #ModeLine "640x480" 36.0 640 696 752 832 480 481 484 509 -hsync -vsync #ModeLine "640x480" 31.5 640 656 720 840 480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync #ModeLine "640x480" 25.2 640 648 744 784 480 482 484 509 -hsync -vsync #ModeLine "640x480" 43.2 640 680 744 848 480 481 484 509 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "768x576" 35.0 768 792 872 976 576 577 580 597 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "768x576" 42.9 768 800 880 992 576 577 580 601 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "768x576" 45.5 768 808 888 1008 576 577 580 602 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "768x576" 51.8 768 808 888 1008 576 577 580 605 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "768x576" 62.6 768 816 896 1024 576 577 580 611 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "800x600" 68.2 800 848 936 1072 600 601 604 636 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "1024x768" 113.3 1024 1096 1208 1392 768 769 772 814 -hsync +vsync #ModeLine "1280x1024" 191.0 1280 1376 1520 1760 1024 1025 1028 1085 -hsync +vsync EndSection
Section "Device" ### Available Driver options are:- ### Values: <i>: integer, <f>: float, <bool>: "True"/"False", ### <string>: "String", <freq>: "<f> Hz/kHz/MHz" ### [arg]: arg optional #Option "NoAccel" # [<bool>] #Option "SWcursor" # [<bool>] #Option "ColorKey" # <i> #Option "CacheLines" # <i> #Option "Dac6Bit" # [<bool>] #Option "DRI" # [<bool>] #Option "NoDDC" # [<bool>] #Option "ShowCache" # [<bool>] #Option "XvMCSurfaces" # <i> #Option "PageFlip" # [<bool>] Identifier "Card0" Driver "i810" VendorName "Intel Corporation" BoardName "Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller" BusID "PCI:0:2:0" Option "MonitorLayout" "CRT,LFP" Screen 0 EndSection Section "Device" Identifier "Card1" Driver "i810" BusID "PCI:0:2:0" Option "MonitorLayout" "CRT2,LFP2" Screen 1 EndSection
Section "Screen" Identifier "Screen_ext" Device "Card1" Monitor "Monitor_ext" SubSection "Display" Viewport 0 0 Depth 24 Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" EndSubSection EndSection Section "Screen" Identifier "Screen0" Device "Card0" Monitor "Monitor0" EndSection
Section "Extensions" Option "Composite" "Enable" EndSection
915resolution 0.5.3-1 a2ps 4.13c-1 a52dec 0.7.4-4 aalib 1.4rc5-6 abs 2.2-1 acl 2.2.47-1 acpid 1.0.6-1 acpitool 0.4.7-2 acroread 8.1.2-1 aircrack 2.41-1 airsnort 0.2.7e-4 akonadi 1.0.0-1 alpine 1.10-3 alsa-lib 1.0.17a-1 alsa-oss 1.0.15-1 alsa-utils 1.0.17-1 alsaplayer 0.99.80-1 amyedit 1.0-3 antiright 3.6-2 antiword 0.37-1 apache 2.2.9-4 apache-ant 1.7.0-2 apmd 3.0.2-5 apr 1.3.2-2 apr-util 1.3.2-2 arandr-svn 97-4 arch-artwork 0.2.1-2 archlinux-menus 2.1-2 argouml 0.24-2 arpwatch 2.1a15-4 aspell 0.60.6-2 at 3.1.10-1 at-spi 1.22.1-1 aterm 1.0.1-1 atk 1.22.0-1 attr 2.4.41-1 audacious 1.5.1-1 audacious-docklet 0.1.1-5 audacious-itouch-control 0.1.1-1 audacious-plugins 1.5.1-1 audacity 1.3.5-1 audio-convert audiofile 0.2.6-3 aumix 2.8-1 autoconf 2.62-1 autocutsel 0.9.0-1 autogen 5.9.5-1 automake 1.10.1-2 autotrace 0.31.1-7 avahi 0.6.23-1 azureus bash 3.2.039-3 bc 1.06-5 bcprov 1.38-1 beep 1.2.2-1 bigreqsproto 1.0.2-1 bin86 0.16.17-3 bind 9.5.0-4 binutils 2.18-9 bison 2.3-4 blas 19980702-5 blender 2.46-1 bluez-libs 3.32-1 boost 1.34.1-2 bridge-utils 1.2-2 bzip2 1.0.5-3 ca-certificates 20080809-4 cairo 1.6.4-1 cairo-perl 1.060-1 cairomm 1.6.0-1 capseo 158-1 ccd2iso 0.3-4 ccmalloc 0.4.0-1 cdparanoia 10.1-1 cdrdao 1.2.2-2 cdrkit 1.1.8-1 chmlib 0.39-1 clamav 0.93.3-1 clamtk 3.08-3 cln 1.2.2-1 clucene 0.9.20-1 codecs 20071007-1 colortail 0.3.0-2 compositeproto 0.4-1 confuse 2.6-1 coreutils 6.12-1 cpio 2.9-3 cppunit 1.12.1-1 cpufreqd 2.2.1-2 cpufrequtils 004-1 cracklib 2.8.10-5 crunchyfrog 0.2.0-5 cryptsetup 1.0.6-1 csup 20060318-5 cups 1.3.8-2 cups-pdf 2.4.8-1 cupsddk 1.2.3-3 curl 7.18.2-1 cvs 1.11.23-2 cyrus-sasl 2.1.22-9 cyrus-sasl-plugins 2.1.22-7 damageproto 1.1.0-1 db 4.7.25-1 db4.1 4.1.25-2 db4.5 4.5.20-1 dbh 1.0.24-2 dbus 1.2.3-1 dbus-glib 0.76-1 dbus-python 0.83.0-1 dbus-qt3 0.62-3 dclib 0.3.10-1 dcron 3.2-3 ddd 3.3.11-4 denyhosts 2.6-3 desktop-file-utils 0.15-1 devhelp 0.19.1-2 device-mapper 1.02.24-1 dhclient 3.0.6-2 dhcp 3.1.1-1 dhcpcd 3.2.1-1 dialog 1.1_20080316-4 diffutils 2.8.1-5 dirmngr 1.0.2-1 dirsync 1.0.11-2 distcc 2.18.3-2 ditrack 0.7-3 dmapi 2.2.8-3 dmenu 3.4-1 dmidecode 2.9-2 dmraid 1.0.0.rc14-4 dmxproto 2.2.2-1 dnsmasq 2.45-1 dnsutils 9.5.0-4 docbook-xml 4.5-1 docbook-xsl 1.73.2-1 docutils 0.4-4 dosbox 0.72-4 dosfstools 2.11-2 doxygen 1.5.6-1 doxygenfilter 1.01-2 dsniff 2.4b1-11 dssi 0.9.1-3 dvd+rw-tools 7.1-1 dvgrab 3.1-1 dynamite 0.1.1-1 e2fsprogs 1.40.8-1 ebook-tools 0.1.1-1 ed 1.0-1 eel 2.22.2-1 eject 2.1.5-3 ekg 1.7-1 enchant 1.4.2-1 enlightenment epiphany 2.22.3-1 esd 0.2.39-1 etherape 0.9.7-3 ethtool 6-1 etracer 0.40-2 ettercap NG_0.7.3-10 evieext 1.0.2-1 evolution-data-server 2.22.3-2 exempi 2.0.1-2 exim 4.68-5 exiv2 0.17.1-1 exo 0.3.4-2 expat 2.0.1-1 expectk faac 1.26-1 faad2 2.6.1-1 fakeroot 1.9.5-1 fam 2.7.0-10 feh 1.3.4-3 ffmpeg 20080715-3 fftw 3.1.2-2 file 4.26-1 filelight 1.0-3 filesystem 2008.07-1 findutils 4.4.0-1 firefox 3.0.1-2 fixesproto 4.0-2 flac 1.2.1-1 flashplayer-standalone flashplugin flex 2.5.35-1 fltk 1.1.9-1 fluidsynth 1.0.8-1 fluxbox 1.0.0-1 fontcacheproto 0.1.2-1 fontconfig 2.6.0-2 fontsproto 2.0.2-1 foomatic-db 3.0_20080723-1 foomatic-db-engine 3.0_20080723-1 foomatic-db-hpijs 20080723-1 foomatic-filters 3.0_20080723-1 fortune-mod 1.99.1-3 fpconst 0.7.3-1 freeglut 2.4.0-3 freetype1 1.3.1-4 freetype2 2.3.7-1 fribidi 0.10.9-1 fuse 2.7.3-1 fwbuilder 2.1.17-1 fwlogwatch 1.1-1 gail 1.22.3-1 gawk 3.1.6-2 gc 7.0-2 gcc 4.3.2-1 gcc-libs 4.3.2-1 gconf 2.22.0-1 gd 2.0.35-1 gdb 6.8-3 gdbm 1.8.3-5 gdesklets 0.36.0-1 gdk-pixbuf 0.22.0-4 gdl 0.7.11-1 geany 0.14-3 geanyprj 0.3-1 geanyvc 0.3-1 gecko-mediaplayer 0.7.0-1 gecko-sharp 0.6-9 geda-libs 1.4.0-1 geda-suite 1.4.0-1 gen-init-cpio 2.6.17-3 geoip 1.4.4-1 gettext 0.17-2 gftp 2.0.18-3 ggz-client-libs ghex 2.22.0-1 ghostscript 8.63-3 giblib 1.2.4-3 giflib 4.1.6-3 gimageview 0.2.27-2 gimmix 0.4.3-1 gimp 2.4.6-1 gimp-dbp 1.1.7-1 gimp-fourier 0.3.1-1 gimp-gap 2.4.0-1 gimp-plugin-greycstoration 2.9-1 gimp-refocus 0.9.0-2 gimp-ufraw 0.13-3 git glade 3.5.2-1 glade-perl 1.006-2 glib 1.2.10-7 glib-perl 1.182-1 glib2 2.16.5-1 glibc 2.8-3 glibmm 2.16.4-2 glitz 0.5.6-1 glob2 0.9.3-1 glproto 1.4.9-1 gmp 4.2.2-2 gmpc gnochm 0.9.11-2 gnome-applets 2.22.3-1 gnome-backgrounds 2.22.0-1 gnome-build 0.2.4-1 gnome-control-center gnome-desktop 2.22.3-1 gnome-doc-utils 0.12.2-1 gnome-icon-theme 2.22.0-1 gnome-keyring 2.22.3-1 gnome-media 2.22.0-2 gnome-menus 2.22.2-1 gnome-mime-data 2.18.0-3 gnome-mount 0.8-1 gnome-mplayer 0.7.0-1 gnome-panel 2.22.2-1 gnome-python 2.22.1-1 gnome-python-desktop 2.22.0-1 gnome-python-extras 2.19.1-2 gnome-session 2.22.3-1 gnome-settings-daemon gnome-spell 1.0.8-1 gnome-terminal 2.22.3-1 gnome-themes 2.22.2-1 gnome-vfs 2.22.0-4 gnome2-user-docs 2.22.1-1 gnonlin 0.10.9-1 gnu-netcat 0.7.1-2 gnump3d 3.0-2 gnupg 1.4.9-1 gnupg2 2.0.9-1 gnuplot 4.2.3-2 gnutls 2.4.1-3 gobby 0.4.5-1 google-hacks 0.1-1 gpa 0.7.6-1 gpg-crypter 0.3.5-3 gpgme 1.1.6-1 gpm 1.20.5-2 gps 1.1.0-1 gqview 2.0.4-1 graphviz 2.20.2-1 grep 2.5.3-3 groff 1.19.2-4 grub 0.97-13 gsfonts 8.11-4 gsl 1.11-1 gspcav1 1.00.20-7 gspiceui 0.9.55-1 gstreamer0.10 0.10.20-1 gstreamer0.10-base 0.10.20-1 gstreamer0.10-base-plugins 0.10.20-1 gstreamer0.10-good 0.10.8-1 gstreamer0.10-good-plugins 0.10.8-4 gstreamer0.10-python 0.10.12-1 gthumb 2.10.8-1 gtk 1.2.10-8 gtk-doc 1.10-1 gtk-engines 2.14.3-1 gtk-fortune 0.1.1-1 gtk-sharp 1.0.10-6 gtk-sharp-2 2.12.1-1 gtk-xfce-engine 2.4.2-1 gtk2 2.12.11-3 gtk2-perl 1.182-1 gtkam 0.1.15-1 gtkglarea 1.2.3-2 gtkhtml 3.18.3-1 gtklp 1.2.6-4 gtkmm 2.12.7-1 gtkpod 0.99.12-1 gtksourceview 1.8.5-2 gtksourceview2 2.2.2-1 gtkspell 2.0.13-1 gucharmap 2.22.3-1 guile 1.8.4-3 guile-gtk 1.2_0.60-1 gvfs 0.2.5-2 gvim 7.1.330-1 gzip 1.3.12-4 hal 0.5.11-1 hal-cups-utils 0.6.13-1 hal-info 0.20080508-1 hd2u 1.0.1-1 hddtemp 0.3.beta15.38-1 hdparm 8.9-1 hedgewars 0.9.6-1 heimdal 1.2-2 hexcurse 1.55-2 hexedit 1.2.12-2 hibernate-script 1.99-1 hicolor-icon-theme 0.10-1 hping 2.0.0-2 hplip 2.8.7-2 hpoj 0.91-12 hsqldb-java hunspell 1.2.6-1 hwdetect 0.9-1 icecast 2.3.1-5 icon-naming-utils 0.8.7-1 icon-slicer 0.3-2 icu 4.0-1 id3lib 3.8.3-10 ifenslave 1.1.0-3 imagemagick imap 2007a-2 imlib 1.9.15-4 imlib2 1.4.1-1 indilib 0.5-1 indywiki 0.9.8-1 initscripts 2008.08-1 inkscape 0.46-6 inotail 0.5-3 inputproto 1.4.3-1 intel-dri 7.0.3-1 interlis-compiler 3.6.5-1 intltool 0.40.3-1 iperf 2.0.2-2 iproute 2.6.25-1 iptables 1.4.0-2 iptraf 3.0.0-2 iputils 20070202-4 ipvsadm 1.24-1 irda-utils 0.9.18-1 irssi 0.8.12-4 iso-codes 2.0-1 ispell 3.3.02-3 jack-audio-connection-kit 0.109.2-2 jacman 0.4-2 jade 1.2.1-5 jasper 1.900.1-1 jdk 6u7-1 jfsutils 1.1.12-2 jhead 2.82-1 john jpdftweak 0.9-1 jre 6u7-1 k3b 1.0.5-1 kadu kbd kbproto 1.0.3-1 kchmviewer 3.1-3 kde-l10n-pl 4.1.1-1 kdeaccessibility 4.1.1-1 kdeadmin 4.1.1-1 kdeartwork 4.1.1-1 kdebase 4.1.1-2 kdebase-runtime 4.1.1-1 kdebase-workspace 4.1.1-1 kdebindings 4.1.1-1 kdeedu 4.1.1-1 kdegames 4.1.1-1 kdegraphics 4.1.1-1 kdelibs 4.1.1-2 kdelibs3 3.5.10-1 kdemultimedia 4.1.1-1 kdepimlibs 4.1.1-1 kdeplasma-addons 4.1.1-1 kdesdk 4.1.1-1 kdetoys 4.1.1-1 kdeutils 4.1.1-1 kdewebdev 4.1.1-1 kernel-headers kernel26 kernel26-xen 2.6.22-11 kernel26suspend2 kid3 1.0-2 kismet 2007_10_R1-2 kiwi 1.9.22-1 klibc 1.5-6 klibc-extras 2.4-2 klibc-kbd 1.15.20080312-6 klibc-module-init-tools 3.4-1 klibc-udev 116-4 klogwatch 2.0.3-1 kmplayer 0.11.0-2 koffice 1.6.3-4 kqemu 1.3.0pre11-22 kqemu-suspend2 1.3.0pre11-3 ktorrent 3.1.2-1 ladspa 1.13-1 lame 3.98-2 lapack 3.1.1-3 laptop-mode-tools 1.42-1 latex2html 2002.2.1-1 latex2rtf 1.9.19-1 lcms 1.17-2 less 418-1 lesstif 0.95.0-2 libao 0.8.8-2 libarchive 2.5.5-1 libart-lgpl 2.3.20-1 libassuan 1.0.5-1 libavc1394 0.5.3-1 libbeagle libbonobo 2.22.0-1 libbonoboui 2.22.0-1 libcap 1.10-2 libcaptury 158-1 libcddb 1.3.0-3 libcdio 0.80-3 libcroco 0.6.1-1 libcups 1.3.8-2 libdaemon 0.12-1 libdatrie 0.1.2-1 libdjvu 3.5.20-1 libdmx 1.0.2-1 libdnet 1.12-1 libdownload 1.3-1 libdrm 2.3.0-1 libdv 1.0.0-1 libdvdnav 0.1.10-3 libdvdread 0.9.7-1 libelf 0.8.10-3 libepc 0.3.5-2 libevent 1.3e-1 libexif 0.6.16-1 libexif-gtk 0.3.5-8 libfontenc 1.0.4-1 libfwbuilder 2.1.17-1 libgcrypt 1.4.1-1 libgda 1.2.4-4 libgdiplus 1.9-1 libggz libgl 7.0.3-2 libglade 2.6.2-1 libglademm 2.6.6-1 libgnome 2.22.0-1 libgnomecanvas libgnomecups 0.2.3-3 libgnomedb 1.2.2-6 libgnomekbd 2.22.0-2 libgnomeprint 2.18.3-3 libgnomeprintui 2.18.2-1 libgnomeui 2.22.01-1 libgpg-error 1.6-1 libgphoto2 2.4.2-1 libgpod 0.6.0-2 libgsf 1.14.8-1 libgtkhtml 2.11.1-1 libgtop 2.22.3-1 libgweather 2.22.3-1 libice 1.0.4-1 libid3tag 0.15.1b-2 libidl2 0.8.11-1 libidn 1.0-1 libiec61883 1.1.0-1 libieee1284 0.2.11-1 libipoddevice 0.5.3-1 libixp 0.4-1 libjpeg 6b-4 libkexif 0.2.5-1 libkipi 0.1.6-2 libksba 1.0.3-1 liblbxutil 1.0.1-1 libldap 2.3.40-1 liblo 0.23-1 liblrdf 0.4.0-5 libmad 0.15.1b-2 libmal 0.44-1 libmcrypt 2.5.8-1 libmcs 0.7.1-1 libmikmod 3.1.12-1 libmng 1.0.10-1 libmowgli 0.7.0-1 libmp4v2 1.6-1 libmpcdec 1.2.6-1 libmpd 0.15.0-1 libmpeg2 0.5.1-1 libmysqlclient 5.0.60-1 libnet libnetworkmanager 0.6.6-1 libnl 1.1-1 libnotify 0.4.4-2 libnova 0.12.1-1 libofa 0.9.3-1 libogg 1.1.3-1 liboil 0.3.14-1 libopensync 0.22-1 libpcap 0.9.8-2 libpcapnav 0.8-2 libpciaccess 0.10.3-1 libpng 1.2.31-1 libpqxx 2.6.9-1 libqalculate 0.9.6-4 libraw1394 1.3.0-1 librsvg 2.22.2-1 libsamplerate 0.1.4-1 libsasl 2.1.22-7 libsexy 0.1.11-1 libshout 2.2.2-2 libsidplay 1.36.59-2 libsigc++2.0 2.2.2-1 libsm 1.1.0-1 libsmbios 2.0.2-1 libsndfile 1.0.17-2 libsoup 2.4.1-2 libspectre 0.2.0-1 libstatgrab 0.16-1 libstdc++5 3.3.6-2 libtasn1 1.4-1 libthai 0.1.9-1 libtheora 1.0beta1-1 libtiff 3.8.2-3 libtool 2.2.4-1 libtorrent 0.11.9-1 libtracker 0.6.6-1 libusb 0.1.12-3 libvisual 0.4.0-1 libvorbis 1.2.0-1 libwmf libwnck 2.22.3-1 libwpd 0.8.14-1 libx11 1.1.4-2 libx86 0.99-1 libxau 1.0.3-1 libxaw 1.0.4-1 libxcb 1.1-1 libxcomposite 0.4.0-1 libxcursor 1.1.9-1 libxdamage 1.1.1-1 libxdmcp 1.0.2-1 libxevie 1.0.2-1 libxext 1.0.4-1 libxfce4mcs 4.4.2-1 libxfce4util 4.4.2-1 libxfcegui4 4.4.2-1 libxfixes 4.0.3-1 libxfont 1.3.3-1 libxfontcache 1.0.4-1 libxft 2.1.13-1 libxi 1.1.3-1 libxinerama 1.0.3-1 libxkbfile 1.0.5-1 libxkbui 1.0.2-1 libxklavier 3.6-1 libxmi 1.2-1 libxml++2 2.22.0-1 libxml2 2.6.32-2 libxmu 1.0.4-1 libxp 1.0.0-2 libxpm 3.5.7-1 libxrandr 1.2.3-1 libxrender 0.9.4-1 libxres 1.0.3-1 libxslt 1.1.24-1 libxss 1.1.3-1 libxt 1.0.5-1 libxtrap 1.0.0-2 libxtst 1.0.3-1 libxv 1.0.4-1 libxvmc 1.0.4-1 libxxf86dga 1.0.2-1 libxxf86misc 1.0.1-1 libxxf86vm 1.0.2-1 libzip 0.8-1 licenses 2.4-1 liferea 1.4.18-2 lilo 22.8-2 links 2.2-2 lirc-utils 0.8.3-1 lm_sensors 3.0.2-2 logrotate 3.7.5-1 logwatch 7.3.6-1 lshwd 1.1.3-5 lsof 4.80-1 lua 5.1.4-2 lvm2 2.02.36-1 lynx 2.8.6-2 lzo 1.08-4 lzo2 2.02-3 m4 1.4.11-1 mailx 8.1.1-5 make 3.81-3 makepasswd 1.10-2 man 1.6f-2 man-pages 3.08-1 mbrowse 0.3.1-2 mc 4.6.1-5 mcpp 2.6.4-2 mdadm 2.6.7-1 memprof 0.6-2 mesa 7.0.3-3 metacity 2.22.0-1 mime-types 1.0-1 minicom 2.3-2 miro 1.2.4-1 mjpegtools 1.8.0-3 mkinitcpio 0.5.19-1 moc 2.4.3-4 module-init-tools 3.4-1 monica 3.7-1 mono 1.9.1-1 motion mousepad 0.2.13-1 mozilla-common 1.2-1 mp32ogg 0.11-3 mpc 0.12.1-3 mpd 0.13.2-1 mpfr 2.3.1-1 mpg123 1.5.0-1 mpgtx 1.3.1-1 mplayer 1.0rc2-6 mplayer-plugin 3.55-1 mrtg 2.15.2-1 mtools 3.9.11-1 mtr 0.72-2 multitail 5.2.2-2 muse 0.8.1-2 musicbrainz 2.1.5-1 mutagen 1.14-1 mutt 1.5.18-1 myodbc 3.51.26-1 mysql 5.0.60-1 mysql-clients 5.0.60-2 mysql-gui-tools 5.0r12-2 mysql-python 1.2.2-1 mysqlcc 0.9.8-3 nagios-nrpe 2.11-1 namcap 2.1-1 nano 2.0.8-3 nas 1.9.1-2 nautilus ncftp 3.2.1-2 ncmpc 0.11.1-5 ncurses 5.6-8 ndiswrapper 1.53-1 ndiswrapper-suspend2 1.47-1 ndiswrapper-utils 1.53-1 nemesis 1.4-1 neon 0.28.3-1 net-snmp net-tools 1.60-13 net6 1.3.5-1 netcfg 2.1.0_RC1-1 netgo 0.5-1 netkit-bsd-finger 0.17-3 netkit-ftp 0.17-6 netkit-telnet 0.17-8 netpbm 10.35-608 network-ups-tools 2.2.2-1 nfs-utils 1.1.0-4 nfsidmap 0.20-2 ngrep 1.45-4 ngspice r17-2 nmap 4.68-3 normalize 0.7.7-3 notification-daemon-xfce 0.3.7-2 nspr 4.7.1-1 nss 3.12-1 nss-mdns 0.10-1 ntp 4.2.4p4-6 obby 0.4.4-1 ocaml 3.10.2-2 offlineimap 6.0.3-1 ogmtools 1.5-1 openal 0.0.8-4 openbabel 2.2.0-1 openbox opencdk 0.6.6-1 openexr 1.4.0a-2 openjpeg 1.3-1 openldap 2.3.40-1 openldap-clients 2.3.40-1 openoffice-base 2.4.1-2 openoffice-pl 2.4.1-1 openoffice-spell-pl 20070213-1 openslp 1.2.1-1 openssh 5.0p1-2 openssl 0.9.8h-4 openvpn 2.0.9-4 openvpn-admin opera 9.52-1 orange 0.3.2-1 orbit2 2.14.14-1 oxine 0.7.1-1 p2c 1.21alpha2-3 pacman 3.2.1-1 pam 1.0.1-2 pam_ldap 184-1 pango 1.20.5-1 parted 1.8.8-2 patch 2.5.9-1 pciutils 3.0.0-2 pcmciautils 014-4 pcre 7.7-2 pdfedit 0.4.1-2 peacock 1.9.1-6 perl 5.10.0-4 perl-authen-sasl 2.10-3 perl-bit-vector 6.4-3 perl-carp-clan 5.10-1 perl-config-tiny 2.12-2 perl-date-calc 5.4-3 perl-date-manip 5.48-1 perl-digest-sha1 2.11-3 perl-error 0.17011-1 perl-file-find-rule 0.30-3 perl-file-tail 0.99.3-3 perl-io-socket-ssl 1.12-1 perl-locale-gettext 1.05-3 perl-mp3-info 1.23-2 perl-net-jabber 2.0-3 perl-net-ssleay 1.30-2 perl-net-xmpp 1.02-3 perl-number-compare 0.01-3 perl-passwd-md5 1.3-3 perl-string-shellquote 1.03-2 perl-text-glob 0.08-3 perl-text-iconv 1.7-2 perl-timedate 1.16-3 perl-uri 1.35-3 perl-xml-simple 2.18-2 perl-xml-stream 1.22-3 perl-xml-twig 3.32-2 perlxml 2.36-1 phonon 4.2.0-2 php 5.2.6-5 php-fileinfo 1.0.4-3 phun 3.5-1 pil 1.1.6-4 pilot-link 0.12.3-2 pinentry 0.7.5-3 pitivi 0.11.1-1 pixman 0.10.0-1 pkgconfig 0.23-1 plotutils 2.5-1 pm-utils pmount 0.9.13-4 poppler 0.8.6-1 poppler-glib 0.8.6-1 poppler-qt 0.8.6-1 poppler-qt3 0.8.6-1 popt 1.10.6-3 portmap 6.0-2 postgresql 8.3.3-1 postgresql-libs 8.3.3-2 povray 3.6.1-4 ppp 2.4.4-6 pptpclient 1.7.1-3 printproto 1.0.4-1 procinfo 19-3 procps 3.2.7-5 proftpd 1.3.1-2 prosper 1.5-2 psi 0.12-2 psmisc 22.6-2 pstoedit 3.45-2 psutils 1.17-1 pth 2.0.7-1 putty 0.60-1 pwgen 2.05-1 pycairo 1.4.12-1 pyclamav 0.4.0-1 pycrypto 2.0.1-2 pycups 1.9.40-1 pygobject 2.14.2-1 pygtk 2.12.1-1 pygtksourceview2 2.2.0-1 pyopenssl 0.7-1 pyorbit 2.14.3-1 pyqt 4.4.3-1 pyqt3 3.17.4-1 pyrex python 2.5.2-5 python-configobj 4.5.3-1 python-elementtree 1.2.6-2 python-gdata 1.1.1-1 python-lxml 2.1-1 python-mpd 0.2.1-1 python-notify 0.1.1-3 python-numeric 24.2-2 python-psycopg2 2.0.7-1 python-pychm 0.8.4-2 python-pysqlite 2.4.1-1 python-soappy 0.12.0-5 pyxdg 0.15-2 pyxml 0.8.4-3 qca 2.0.1-2 qca-qt3 1.0-1 qca-tls 1.0-5 qcad qemu 0.9.1-8 qemu-launcher 1.7.4-1 qemulator 0.5-2 qimageblitz 0.0.4-1 qiv 2.1pre12-1.1 qmpdclient 1.0.9-1 qscintilla 2.2-1 qscintilla-qt3 1.7.1-2 qstat 2.11-1 qsvn 0.7.0-1 qt 4.4.1-4 qt3 3.3.8-8 qtorrent 0.9.5-3 quota-tools 3.16-1 r 2.7.2-1 randrproto 1.2.2-1 raptor 1.4.18-1 rarcrack 0.2-1 rarian 0.8.0-2 rdesktop 1.6.0-2 readline 5.2-8 recode 3.6-2 recordmydesktop recordproto 1.13.2-1 redland 1.0.8-1 reiserfsprogs 3.6.20-3 renderproto 0.9.3-1 resourceproto 1.0.2-1 ristretto 0.0.20-2 rosegarden rp-pppoe 3.10-1 rpmextract 0-2 rpmunpack 0-1 rrdtool 1.2.27-1 rssh 2.3.2-2 rsync 3.0.3-1 rtorrent 0.7.9-1 ruby 1.8.7_p72-2 ruby-atk 0.16.0-1 ruby-gdkpixbuf2 0.16.0-1 ruby-glib2 0.16.0-1 ruby-gtk2 0.16.0-1 ruby-libglade 0.16.0-1 ruby-pango 0.16.0-1 ruby-rcairo 1.6.1-1 run-parts 2.30-1 rwhois-client 1.6.1-1 samba 3.0.31-1 sane 1.0.19-2 screen 4.0.3-6 scribus scrnsaverproto 1.1.0-2 sdl 1.2.13-1 sdl_gfx 2.0.16-1 sdl_image 1.2.6-2 sdl_mixer 1.2.8-2 sdl_net 1.2.7-2 sdl_sound 1.0.1-7 sdl_ttf 2.0.9-1 sdparm 1.02-2 seahorse 2.22.3-1 seamonkey 1.1.11-1 sed 4.1.5-3 setserial 2.17-2 setuptools 0.6c8-1 sfs 0.7.2-1 sg3_utils 1.25-1 shadow shared-mime-info 0.30-1 shorewall 4.0.13-1 shorewall-perl 4.0.13-1 showimg 0.9.5-6 sip 4.7.7-1 skype slang 2.1.3-2 slurm 0.3.3-1 smartmontools 5.38-1 smb4k 0.9.6-2 smbclient 3.0.31-2 smbnetfs 0.3.11a-1 smplayer 0.6.2-1 smplayer-themes 0.1.16-1 sonata 1.5.2-1 soprano 2.1.1-1 sox 14.0.0-2 speex 1.2rc1-1 spidermonkey 1.7.0-1 sqlite3 3.6.2-1 squeeze 0.2.3-2 squid 2.7.STABLE2-1 sshfs 1.9-1 sshguard 1.0-1 ssldump 0.9b3-6.1 startup-notification 0.9-1 strace 4.5.16-1 stress 1.0.0-1 strigi 0.5.11-1 stunnel 4.25-1 subversion 1.4.6-4 sudo 1.6.9p17-1 swatch 3.2.2-2 swt 3.3.2-1 synce-libsynce 0.12-1 sysfsutils 2.1.0-4 syslinux 3.60-1 syslog-ng 2.0.9-1 system-config-printer 1.0.6-1 sysvinit 2.86-4 t1lib 5.1.2-1 taglib 1.5-1 tagpy 0.94.5-2 tar 1.20-2 tcl 8.5.4-1 tcp_wrappers 7.6-8 tcpdump 3.9.8-1 tcpflow 0.21-1 tcsh 6.15.01-4 termcap-compat 1.2.3-4 terminal 0.2.8-3 tetex 3.0-4 texvc 20050202-1 tftp-hpa 0.48-1 thunar 0.9.0-2 thunar-archive-plugin 0.2.4-5 thunar-media-tags-plugin 0.1.2-5 thunar-volman 0.2.0-1 thunderbird thunderbird-i18n tidyhtml 1.37-2 tilda 0.9.6-1 tk 8.5.4-2 tls 1.5.0-3 toolame 02l-6 totem-plparser 2.22.3-1 totem-xine 2.22.2-3 tpctl 4.15-1 transcode 1.0.6rc1-2 transmission-cli 1.33-1 transmission-gtk 1.33-1 trapproto 3.4.3-1 tree ttf-apple-fonts 1.0-1 ttf-bitstream-vera 1.10-5 ttf-dejavu 2.26-1 ttf-gentium-basic 1.1-1 tunepimp 0.5.3-5 tuxoniceinitcpio 1-3 twisted 8.1.0-1 typespeed 0.6.4-1 tzdata 2008e-1 udev 119-1 umit 0.9.5RC1-1 umleditor 3.0.2-1 uniconvertor 1.1.2-1 unison 2.27.57-1 unixodbc 2.2.12-2 unoconv 0.3-1 unrar 3.8.2-1 unshield 0.5.1-1 unzip 5.52-4 usbutils 0.73-5 userui 0.7.2-2 util-linux-ng 2.14-1 valknut 0.3.10-1 vbetool 1.0-2 vconfig 1.9-1.1 versionpkg 0.7.6-1 verve-plugin 0.3.5-4 vi 7.1.330-1 videoproto 2.2.2-1 vim 7.1.330-1 vim-doxygentoolkit 0.1.17-1 vim-workspace 1.0b1-1 visualboyadvance 1.7.2-5 vnc 4.1.2-1 vorbis-tools 1.2.0-3 vsftpd 2.0.7-1 vte 0.16.14-2 vym 1.10.0-5 w3af beta6-1 wavpack 4.50.0-1 wdm 1.28-2 webalizer 2.01-5 wget 1.11.4-1 which 2.19-2 whois 4.7.24-1 windowmaker 0.92.0-4 wine 1.1.3-1 wireless_tools 29-2 wireshark 1.0.2-2 wlan-ng26-utils 0.2.9-1 wmii 3.6-1 wpa_supplicant 0.5.10-1 wpa_supplicant_gui 0.5.10-1 wput 0.6.1-2 wv 1.2.4-1 wv2 0.2.3-1 wxgtk 2.8.8-1 wxgtk-2.6 2.6.4-2 x264 20080625-1 xalan-java 2.7.1-2 xaralx 0.7r1785-2 xarchiver 0.4.6-6 xbitmaps 1.0.1-1 xcb-proto 1.1-1 xchm 1.14-1 xcmiscproto 1.1.2-1 xcompmgr 1.1.4-1 xcursor-archcursorblue 0.0.2-1 xcursor-chameleon-anthracite 0.5-2 xcursor-neutral 1.13a-4 xcursor-themes 1.0.1-1 xdg-utils 1.0.2-1 xdialog 2.3.1-1 xdm-archlinux 0.3-2 xerces2-java 2.9.1-2 xextproto 7.0.3-1 xf86-input-keyboard 1.3.1-1 xf86-input-mouse 1.3.0-1 xf86-video-apm 1.2.0-1 xf86-video-i810 1.7.4-10 xf86-video-vesa 1.3.0-6 xf86bigfontproto 1.1.2-1 xf86dgaproto 2.0.3-1 xf86driproto 2.0.4-1 xf86miscproto 0.9.2-1 xf86vidmodeproto 2.2.2-1 xfce-mcs-manager 4.4.2-1 xfce-mcs-plugins 4.4.2-2 xfce-utils 4.4.2-1 xfce4-appfinder 4.4.2-1 xfce4-artwork 0.1-5 xfce4-battery-plugin 0.5.0-5 xfce4-clipman-plugin 0.8.0-4 xfce4-cpufreq-plugin 0.0.1-6 xfce4-cpugraph-plugin 0.4.0-1 xfce4-datetime-plugin 0.5.0-4 xfce4-dev-tools xfce4-dict-plugin 0.2.1-5 xfce4-diskperf-plugin 2.1.0-4 xfce4-eyes-plugin 4.4.0-4 xfce4-finalorder-icon-theme 0.6-1 xfce4-fsguard-plugin 0.4.1-1 xfce4-genmon-plugin 3.1-4 xfce4-icon-theme 4.4.2-1 xfce4-mailwatch-plugin 1.0.1-6 xfce4-messenger-plugin 0.1.0-5 xfce4-mixer 4.4.2-2 xfce4-mount-plugin 0.5.4-2 xfce4-mpc-plugin 0.3.2-2 xfce4-netload-plugin 0.4.0-4 xfce4-notes-plugin 1.6.1-1 xfce4-panel 4.4.2-2 xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin 1.9.4-2 xfce4-screenshooter-plugin 1.0.0-5 xfce4-session 4.4.2-2 xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin 0.4.2-6 xfce4-systemload-plugin 0.4.2-4 xfce4-taskmanager 0.3.2-4 xfce4-time-out-plugin 0.1.1-2 xfce4-timer-plugin 0.6-1 xfce4-wavelan-plugin 0.5.4-4 xfce4-weather-plugin 0.6.2-1 xfce4-xfapplet-plugin 0.1.0-5 xfce4-xkb-plugin 0.4.3-4 xfce4-xmms-plugin 0.5.1-4 xfdesktop 4.4.2-3 xfmedia 0.9.2-3 xfmpc 0.0.5-1 xfprint 4.4.2-4 xfsdump 2.2.48-1 xfsprogs 2.9.8-1 xfwm4 4.4.2-3 xfwm4-themes 4.4.2-1 xgl xine-lib 1.1.15-2 xine-ui 0.99.5-4 xineramaproto 1.1.2-1 xinetd 2.3.14-3 xkeyboard-config 1.3-1 xlockmore 5.26.1-1 xmlsec 1.2.11-2 xorg 11R7.0-1 xorg-apps 1.0.3-3 xorg-font-utils 1.0.3-3 xorg-fonts-100dpi 1.0.1-1 xorg-fonts-75dpi 1.0.1-2 xorg-fonts-alias 1.0.1-1 xorg-fonts-encodings 1.0.2-2 xorg-fonts-misc 1.0.0-3 xorg-fonts-type1 7.3-1 xorg-res-utils 1.0.3-2 xorg-server 1.4.2-2 xorg-server-utils 7.3-1 xorg-util-macros 1.1.6-1 xorg-utils 7.3-1 xorg-xauth 1.0.3-1 xorg-xdm 1.1.8-1 xorg-xinit 1.1.0-1 xorg-xkb-utils 7.3-1 xosd 2.2.14-1 xosview 1.8.3-2 xpdf 3.02_pl2-1 xproto 7.0.13-1 xqf 1.0.5-2 xscreensaver 5.07-1 xsmbrowser 3.4.0-2 xterm 235-2 xtrans 1.2.1-1 xulrunner xvidcore 1.1.3-1 xzgv 0.9-1 yafray 0.0.9-2 yakuake 2.9.3-1 yelp 2.23.1-2 zebra 0.95a-2 zenity 2.22.1-1 zip 3.0-1 zlib zope-interface 3.4.1-1 zsh 4.3.5-2 zsi 2.0-2
-- Rafał (ert16) Trójniak m@il : ert256@gmail.com Jid : ert256@gmail.com ert16@chrome.pl GPG key-ID : DD681D47 749F E1DC A58F 9084 BBC0 797A 0691 53D6 DD68 1D47
participants (2)
Gustavo A. Gómez Farhat