[arch-general] Winter Cleanup of [community]
Hi, It's time again for the yearly cleanup of the [community] repository. Somehow, time passed, and it's now too late for a "Christmas Cleanup" like last year. Instead I'm announcing a Winter Cleanup, which I think is a better name as well. The wonderful developers of Arch Web have added a report of "Uneeded Orphans" since last time, which should make this cleanup considerably easier. (Thanks Dan McGee: https://projects.archlinux.org/archweb.git/commit/?id=5379348c9337a4abe27e80...) Another positive development is that all the ibus-packages that nobody seemed to want to adopt, are no longer orphans. Thanks goes out to Felix Yan, one of our latest TUs, for that. The list of unneeded orphans can be viewed at this page: https://www.archlinux.org/devel/reports/unneeded-orphans/ If you know of other packages that deserves to be cleaned up somehow, in [community], AUR or any of the other repositories, please reply to this e-mail and let us know. (If there should be too many requests, we'll start a wiki page this year as well). If there aren't any protests, I'll wait a couple of days and then move all the unneeded orphans in [community] to AUR. Developers and maintainers of [core], [extra] and [multilib] should feel free to join in on the cleanup, of course. I'll round off this invitation with a somewhat pretentious and slightly akward slogan :] "Happy Winter Cleanup. Let our repositories shine!" Sincerely, Alexander Rødseth xyproto / TU
On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 05:54:51PM +0100, Alexander Rødseth wrote:
The list of unneeded orphans can be viewed at this page: https://www.archlinux.org/devel/reports/unneeded-orphans/
This seems to require a dev login... -- FA A world of exhaustive, reliable metadata would be an utopia. It's also a pipe-dream, founded on self-delusion, nerd hubris and hysterically inflated market opportunities. (Cory Doctorow)
On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Fons Adriaensen <fons@linuxaudio.org> wrote:
Hi, periscope-svn should be removed in favor of periscope-git
Hi, 2013/1/21 Juan Diego Tascón <juantascon@gmail.com>:
Hi, periscope-svn should be removed in favor of periscope-git
Ok deleted+merged periscope-svn into periscope-git. (These types of merge/delete/abandon requests normally go to aur-general@archlinux.org). -- Sincerely, Alexander Rødseth xyproto / TU
Am 19.01.2013 17:54, schrieb Alexander Rødseth:
Be careful, this list does not contain makedepends. So don't blindly remove those packages. -- Pierre Schmitz, https://pierre-schmitz.com
Hi, 2013/1/19 Pierre Schmitz <pierre@archlinux.de>:
Be careful, this list does not contain makedepends. So don't blindly remove those packages.
Thanks for the reminder. No packages will be blindly removed. Similar care to the successful cleanup of last winter will be applied. -- Sincerely, Alexander Rødseth xyproto / TU
Alexander Rødseth <rodseth@gmail.com> writes:
Well, it looks like espeakup got cleaned. Could someone please add it back? It is pretty much necessary for blind users, of which there are a few. If it really needs a maintainer that badly, I'd consider reapplying for my TU position. Thanks, -- Chris
On Monday 28 January 2013 18:09:04 Chris Brannon wrote:
I moved it back. -- Andrea Arch Linux Developer
I guess this concludes the Winter Cleanup for [community] as well. Thank you guys! - Alexander
participants (6)
Alexander Rødseth
Andrea Scarpino
Chris Brannon
Fons Adriaensen
Juan Diego Tascón
Pierre Schmitz