[arch-general] [aur-general] the future of empathy, libtelepathy..
31 Dec
31 Dec
2:21 p.m.
Hello, there has been a thread on aur-general in October 2008 about this issue, but the situation is not satisfying IMHO: We have a package of empathe in AUR _and_ in [testing].Both are or were orphaned, and the package in AUR was taken by a user and upgraded to version 2.25. I was chatting with him, and we reverted the change and uploaded a release 2.25 as empathy-devel. I think this should not happen again. What is the decision? Will empathe go to [extra] soon? If it is desired to keep the version in AUR, I suggest a developer should take it and keep it until it reaches [extra]. Or it should be removed. Thoughts? Regards Stefan
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