[arch-general] Kudos to the kdemod gang
Hey gang; I wanted to voice my appreciation to the kdemod folks for doing things the "Arch-way" and giving choice back to the user-base by creating the kdemod-legacy repo and packages. It is nice to see such a group doing something that is both worthwhile and definitely needed. AND it is nice to finally have something positive to say after kde4 was transfered from the testing to the "main-line" repo(s). Further, I am impressed that the kdemod group seemed to have seen through some of the rhetoric about how good kde4 is and prepare something for those of us that actually use the features of kde since kde1 that are missing or inoperative in kde4. (AFTERALL the kde folks are still maintaining kde3 so the idea that has been discussed on this e-mail reflector; that kde4 is the ONLY kde environment "officially sponsored", is specious.) Very best regards; Bob Finch Liviu Librescu - În veci pomenirea lui. (May his memory be eternal.)
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